Policy | Policy No. | Approving authorities |
Academic and Non-Academic Conduct Policy | Academic and Non-Academic Conduct Policy | Senate and Board of Governors |
Academic and Non-Academic Misconduct Procedures | Academic and Non-Academic Misconduct Procedures | President |
Academic Service Positions | Academic Service Positions | President Executive Council |
Acceptance of Gifts | Acceptance of Gifts | President Executive Council |
Acceptance of Gifts and Donations to the Geoffrey R. Weller Library | Acceptance of Gifts and Donations to the Geoffrey R. Weller Library | President Executive Council |
Access and Accommodation for Students with Disabilities | Access and Accommodation for Students with Disabilities | President Executive Council |
Acknowledgement of Job Applications | Acknowledgement of Job Applications | President Executive Council |
Acquisitions and Use of University Procurement Card | Acquisitions and Use of University Procurement Card | President Executive Council |
Acquisitions Policy - 1994 | Acquisitions Policy - 1994 | Senate |
Additional Duties Pay | Additional Duties Pay | Senate and Board of Governors |
Adjunct Faculty | Adjunct Faculty | President Executive Council |
Adjunct Professors - CSAM | Adjunct Professors - CSAM | President Executive Council |
Affiliate Faculty Appointments | Affiliate Faculty Appointments | Vice-President, Academic and Provost |
Affiliations with Other Institutions of Learning - DRAFT | Affiliations with Other Institutions of Learning - DRAFT | Vice-President, Academic and Provost |
Animal Care and Use Policy | Animal Care and Use Policy | Senate |
Appointment of Acting Administrators | Appointment of Acting Administrators | President Executive Council |
Appointment of Adjunct Faculty at UNBC | Appointment of Adjunct Faculty at UNBC | Senate |
Art Acquisitions Policy | Art Acquisitions Policy | Senate |
Art Acquisitions Procedures and Guidelines | Art Acquisitions Procedures and Guidelines | President Executive Council |
AS 1.1. Retired UNBC Faculty - Access to Services and Resources Procedures (March 2021) | AS 1.1 | Vice-President, Academic and Provost |
AS 2 Bestowal of the Title Professor Emeritus Emerita Policy (November 27, 2024) | AS 2 | Senate |
AS 2.1 Bestowal of the Title Professor Emeritus Emerita Procedures (November 2024) | AS 2.1 | Senate |
Awarding of Career Development Increments to Employees on Administrative Leave | Awarding of Career Development Increments to Employees on Administrative Leave | President Executive Council |
Bicycles, Skate Boards, Snow Boards, Scooters and Roller Blades | Bicycles, Skate Boards, Snow Boards, Scooters and Roller Blades | President Executive Council |
Board of Governors Code of Ethical Conduct | Board of Governors Code of Ethical Conduct | Board of Governors |
Canadian Preference | Canadian Preference | President Executive Council |
Cancellation of Scheduled Classes | Cancellation of Scheduled Classes | President Executive Council |
Capital Equipment Replacement-Computer Workstations | Capital Equipment Replacement-Computer Workstations | President Executive Council |
Capitalization Limit | Capitalization Limit | Board of Governors |
Carpool Program | Carpool Program | President Executive Council |
Centres and Research Institutes | Centres and Research Institutes | Senate |
Chancellor Nomination, Selection and Appointment | Chancellor Nomination, Selection and Appointment | Board of Governors |
Charitable Appeals on Campus | Charitable Appeals on Campus | President |
Compensation for Unanticipated Alteration of Teaching Workload | Compensation for Unanticipated Alteration of Teaching Workload | President Executive Council |
Compulsory Medical Insurance for International Students | Compulsory Medical Insurance for International Students | President Executive Council |
Confidentiality of Student Records | Confidentiality of Student Records | Senate |
Conflict of Interest | Conflict of Interest | President Executive Council |
Conflict of Interest in Teaching Family Members or Partners | Conflict of Interest in Teaching Family Members or Partners | President Executive Council |
Contract for Service with UNBC Employees | Contract for Service with UNBC Employees | President Executive Council |
Days off Without Pay | Days off Without Pay | President Executive Council |
Death of a Current UNBC Student | Death of a Current UNBC Student | President |
Death of a Current UNBC Student-Procedure | Death of a Current UNBC Student-Procedure | President |
Degree Program Reviews | Degree Program Reviews | Senate |
Elders Protocol | Elders Protocol | Board of Governors |
Emergency Response | Emergency Response | President Executive Council |
Emergency Response - Daycare | Emergency Response - Daycare | President Executive Council |
Emergency Response to Inappropriate, Disruptive or Threatening Behaviour | Emergency Response to Inappropriate, Disruptive or Threatening Behaviour | President Executive Council |
Employee and Family Assistance Program | Employee and Family Assistance Program | President Executive Council |
Employee Owned Vehicles Used for University Business | Employee Owned Vehicles Used for University Business | President Executive Council |
Employees on Administrative Leave | Employees on Administrative Leave | President Executive Council |
Employees Taking University Courses in the Program Where Their Employment Takes Place | Employees Taking University Courses in the Program Where Their Employment Takes | President Executive Council |
Energy | Energy | President Executive Council |
Equipment Lock-Out | Equipment Lock-Out | President Executive Council |
Equipment Maintenance Repairs in Laboratory Building | Equipment Maintenance Repairs in Laboratory Building | President Executive Council |
Ethics Review of Research Involving Human Participants | Ethics Review of Research Involving Human Participants | Vice-President, Research and Innovation |
Executive Compensation | Executive Compensation | Board of Governors |
Facilities Department Internal Charge Back | Facilities Department Internal Charge Back | President Executive Council |
Faculty of Graduate Studies Policy on Appeals | Faculty of Graduate Studies Policy on Appeals | Senate |
Faculty Start Up Funds | Faculty Start Up Funds | President Executive Council |
Field Work Safety | Field Work Safety | President Executive Council |
Final Exam Retention Period - One Year (Calendar) FOIPOP | Final Exam Retention Period - One Year (Calendar) FOIPOP | President Executive Council |
Fire Safety | Fire Safety | President Executive Council |
First Aid | First Aid | President Executive Council |
FM 1 Indirect Costs and Overhead Charges for Research and Instructional Services (November 2022) | FM 1 | Board of Governors |
FM 2 Travel and Business Expenses Policy (June 22, 2023) | FM 2 | Board of Governors |
FM 2.1 Appendix 1 Travel Expense Rates (Reviewed March 2024) | FM 2.1 | Board of Governors |
FM 2.1 Travel and Business Expenses Procedures (June 22, 2023) | FM 2.1 | Vice-President, Finance and Administration |
Food Service Operations | Food Service Operations | President Executive Council |
Fraternities, Sororities and Student Organizations | Fraternities, Sororities and Student Organizations | President Executive Council |
Furniture and Facilities Management | Furniture and Facilities Management | President Executive Council |
General Operating Budget Carry Forward | General Operating Budget Carry Forward | Board of Governors |
Guidelines and Principles Governing Recognition of Student Governments at UNBC | Guidelines and Principles Governing Recognition of Student Governments at UNBC | Board of Governors |
GV 1 UNBC Policy on University Policies and Procedures (May 2021) | GV 1 | Board of Governors |
GV 1.1 UNBC Procedures on University Policies and Procedures (May 2021) | GV 1.1 | President |
GV 2 Appendix 1 Determining Custody and Control Standards | GV 2 | President |
GV 2 Appendix 2 Protection of Privacy - Defining Personal Information | GV 2 | President |
GV 2 Appendix 2 Protection of Privacy - Defining Personal Information procedures | GV 2 | President |
GV 2 Protection of Privacy Policy - (March 2022) | GV 2 | President |
GV 2.1 Responding to a Privacy Incident or Breach Procedures (July 2023) | GV 2.1 | President |
GV 3.1 VPs and Other Sr Academic Administrators Selection and Review Procedures (March 2023) | GV 3.1 | President |
GV 4 Board of Governors Appointment Delegation Policy (June 2023) | GV 4 | Board of Governors |
GV 5 Appeals to the Board of Governors Policy (November 2023) | GV 5 | Board of Governors |
GV 5.1 Appeals to the Board of Governors Procedures (November 2023) | GV 5.1 | Board of Governors |
GV 6 Appointment and Reappointment of President Policy (March 2024) | GV 6 | Board of Governors |
GV 6.1 Search and Recommendation for the Selection of the President Procedures (March 2024) | GV 6.1 | Senate and Board of Governors |
GV 6.2 Review of the President and Vice-Chancellor Prior to Reappointment Procedures (March 2024) | G.V 6.2 | Board of Governors |
GV 7 Review of the President and Vice-Chancellor Policy (March 2024) | GV 7 | Board of Governors |
GV 7.1 Review of the President and Vice-Chancellor Procedures (March 2024) | GV 7.1 | Board of Governors |
Harassment and Discrimation with revisions April 18 2011 | Harassment and Discrimation with revisions April 18 2011 | Senate |
Harassment and Discrimation with revisions April 18 2011 | Harassment and Discrimation with revisions April 18 2011 | Senate |
Harassment and Discrimination Policy | Harassment and Discrimination Policy | Senate |
Hazardous Waste Identification and Reporting | Hazardous Waste Identification and Reporting | President Executive Council |
Hiring Guidelines - Administration | Hiring Guidelines - Administration | President Executive Council |
Honoraria - General | Honoraria - General | President Executive Council |
Honorary Degrees | Honorary Degrees | Senate |
HR 1 Hiring Equity Policy (March 2023) | HR 1 | Board of Governors |
HR 2 Intentional Diversity Hire Policy (March 2023) | HR 2 | Board of Governors |
HR 3 PID Policy (November 2024) | HR 3 | Board of Governors |
HR 3.1 PID Procedures (November 2024) | HR 3.1 | Board of Governors |
IM 1 Appendix 1 2024 06 06 Record Classification Levels (July 2024) | IM 1 | Board of Governors |
IM 1 Records Management Policy (June 2024) | IM 1 | Board of Governors |
IM 1.1 Responding to a Request for Access to or Correction of Information Procedures (July 2024) | IM 1.1 | President |
Incident, Accident Reporting and Investigation | Incident, Accident Reporting and Investigation | President Executive Council |
Insurance Benefits Implementation Date | Insurance Benefits Implementation Date | President Executive Council |
Intellectual Property | Intellectual Property | President Executive Council |
International Agreements | International Agreements | Board of Governors |
Key and Other Access Device Controls | Key and Other Access Device Controls | President Executive Council |
Key and Other Access Device Controls - Procedures | Key and Other Access Device Controls - Procedures | President Executive Council |
Library Collections and Acquisition Policy | Library Collections and Acquisition Policy | Senate |
Liquor | Liquor | President Executive Council |
Loans to Foreign Worker Faculty Members | Loans to Foreign Worker Faculty Members | President Executive Council |
Lost and Found Property | Lost and Found Property | President Executive Council |
Lowering of Flags to Half-Mast | Lowering of Flags to Half-Mast | President Executive Council |
Market Differential - Exempt | Market Differential - Exempt | President Executive Council |
Market Differential - Faculty Association - Policy | Market Differential - Faculty Association - Policy | President Executive Council |
Market Differential - Faculty Association - Procedures | Market Differential - Faculty Association - Procedures | President Executive Council |
Memberships - Benefit Guidelines | Memberships - Benefit Guidelines | President Executive Council |
Minute Taking for Decision-Making Bodies | Minute Taking for Decision-Making Bodies | President Executive Council |
Naming Student Academic Grants and Facilities | Naming Student Academic Grants and Facilities | Interim Governing Council |
Northern BC and Special Collections Acquisitions Policy | Northern BC and Special Collections Acquisitions Policy | Senate |
Northern BC Archives Collections Development Guidelines | Northern BC Archives Collections Development Guidelines | Senate |
Occupational Health and Safety | Occupational Health and Safety | President Executive Council |
Occupational Health and Safety | Occupational Health and Safety | President Executive Council |
Office, Research and Storage Space Policy | Office, Research and Storage Space Policy | Vice-President, Research and Innovation |
Open Flame Policy | Open Flame Policy | President Executive Council |
Pension Plan Yearly Contribution Level | Pension Plan Yearly Contribution Level | President Executive Council |
Pets on Campus | Pets on Campus | President Executive Council |
Policy on Smudging and Other Ceremonial Use of Smoke | Policy on Smudging and Other Ceremonial Use of Smoke | President Executive Council |
Posting of Grades | Posting of Grades | Senate |
Professional Licences | Professional Licences | Board of Governors |
Public Display of Posters and Banners on the Prince George Campus | Public Display of Posters and Banners on the Prince George Campus | President Executive Council |
Purchasing Policy - Amended September 2014 | Purchasing Policy - Amended September 2014 | Board of Governors |
Radionuclides and Radiation Hazard | Radionuclides and Radiation Hazard | President Executive Council |
Reading Packages (Course Packs) | Reading Packages (Course Packs) | President Executive Council |
Recognition of a Student Government, Society or Organization at UNBC | Recognition of a Student Government, Society or Organization at UNBC | Senate |
Recruitment-Relocation Expenses | Recruitment-Relocation Expenses | President Executive Council |
Relocation | Relocation | Board of Governors |
Research Grant in Lieu of Salary | Research Grant in Lieu of Salary | Board of Governors |
Resignation | Resignation | President Executive Council |
Respect in the Workplace Policy and Response Procedures | Respect in the Workplace Policy and Response Procedures | Board of Governors |
Review of the Academic Leader of the NCCAH Prior to Reappointment-TOR | Review of the Academic Leader of the NCCAH Prior to Reappointment-TOR | Senate |
Review Procedures for the Vice Provost Medicine at UNBC and Associate Dean for the NMP at UBC | Review Procedures for the Vice Provost Medicine at UNBC and Associate Dean for t | Vice-President, Academic and Provost |
RI 1 Research Space Allocation Policy (May 2021) | RI 1 | Board of Governors |
RI 1.1 Research Space Allocation Procedures (May 2021) (ed. rev. August 2022) | RI 1.1 | Vice-President, Research and Innovation |
RI 2 Animal Care and Use Policy (April 2022) | RI 2 | Vice-President, Research and Innovation |
RI 2 Appendix 1 2021 Animal Care and Use Committee Terms of Reference | RI 2 | Vice-President, Research and Innovation |
RI 3 General Research Policy (March 2023) | RI 3 | Board of Governors |
RI 3.1 General Research Procedures (March 2023) | RI 3.1 | Vice-President, Research and Innovation |
Schools - Within the University | Schools - Within the University | Senate |
Security for Student Events | Security for Student Events | Senate |
Selection Procedures for Associate Vice-President Medicine at UNBC and Assistant Dean of Medicine at UBC | Selection Procedures for Associate Vice-President Medicine at UNBC and Assistant | Vice-President, Academic and Provost |
Selection Procedures for Director of Student Services | Selection Procedures for Director of Student Services | Senate |
Selection Procedures for the Chair of Physical Therapy Program | Selection Procedures for the Chair of Physical Therapy Program | Senate |
Selection Procedures for Vice-President Administration and Finance | Selection Procedures for Vice-President Administration and Finance | Board of Governors |
Selection Procedures for Vice-President External Relations | Selection Procedures for Vice-President External Relations | Board of Governors |
Sexual Violence & Misconduct Prevention & Response Policy & Procedures | Sexual Violence & Misconduct Prevention & Response Policy & Procedures | Board of Governors |
Signing Authority | Signing Authority | President Executive Council |
Signing Authority for the Expenditure of University Funds Policy | Signing Authority for the Expenditure of University Funds Policy | Board of Governors |
Sleeping on Campus | Sleeping on Campus | President Executive Council |
Smoke and Vape Free Places | Smoke and Vape Free Places | Board of Governors |
Standards of Conduct | Standards of Conduct | President Executive Council |
Statement of Principles on the Treatment of Postdoctoral Fellows - CURRENT | Statement of Principles on the Treatment of Postdoctoral Fellows - CURRENT | Senate |
Statutory Holidays | Statutory Holidays | President Executive Council |
Stipends | Stipends | President Executive Council |
Student Accounts Receivable Billing and Collection | Student Accounts Receivable Billing and Collection | President Executive Council |
Student Appeals Procedures | Student Appeals Procedures | Senate and Board of Governors |
Student Emergency Loan | Student Emergency Loan | President Executive Council |
Surplus University Assets | Surplus University Assets | President Executive Council |
Temporary Employee | Temporary Employee | President Executive Council |
Textbook Ordering Guidelines | Textbook Ordering Guidelines | President Executive Council |
Traffic and Parking Regulations | Traffic and Parking Regulations | President Executive Council |
Travel Authorization | Travel Authorization | President Executive Council |
Travel Expenses for Faculty Delivering Regional-Distance Course Offerings | Travel Expenses for Faculty Delivering Regional-Distance Course Offerings | President Executive Council |
Tuition Reimbursement for UNBC Employees at Regional Campuses | Tuition Reimbursement for UNBC Employees at Regional Campuses | President Executive Council |
UNBC Acceptable Use Policy | UNBC Acceptable Use Policy | President Executive Council |
UNBC Pension Plan Statement of Investment | UNBC Pension Plan Statement of Investment | Board of Governors |
Undergraduate Course Cancellations | Undergraduate Course Cancellations | Senate |
University Policies and Procedures Development and Review Checklist (May 2021) | University Policies and Procedures Development and Review Checklist (May 2021) | Board of Governors |
University Policies and Procedures Style Handbook (May 2021) | University Policies and Procedures Style Handbook (May 2021) | Board of Governors |
University's Graphic Standards | University's Graphic Standards | President Executive Council |
Use of Facstaff Email Notification System-DRAFT | Use of Facstaff Email Notification System-DRAFT | Vice-President, Academic and Provost |
Use of Non-Instructional Space for Meetings | Use of Non-Instructional Space for Meetings | President Executive Council |
Use of UNBC Names and Symbols | Use of UNBC Names and Symbols | President Executive Council |
Use of University Space for Short-Term Non Academic Events | Use of University Space for Short-Term Non Academic Events | President Executive Council |
Vacating of Research Laboratories | Vacating of Research Laboratories | President Executive Council |
Vacation | Vacation | President Executive Council |
Vehicle Idle Free | Vehicle Idle Free | President Executive Council |
Vehicle Idle Free Procedures | Vehicle Idle Free Procedures | President Executive Council |
Visiting Scholars and Guest Speakers | Visiting Scholars and Guest Speakers | President Executive Council |
Visual Identity and Design of Official UNBC Promotional Materials | Visual Identity and Design of Official UNBC Promotional Materials | President Executive Council |
Volunteer Recognition Program | Volunteer Recognition Program | Interim Governing Council |
WCB Administration and Claims Management | WCB Administration and Claims Management | President Executive Council |
Weapons | Weapons | President Executive Council |