The UNBC Share Shelf

Sharing is Caring

The concept behind the UNBC Share Shelf is to promote a mindset of sharing rather than ownership so we can reduce unnecessary consumption. It's a designated virtual space where you can contribute items like office supplies, tools, laboratory equipment, kitchenware, musical instruments, art supplies, ideas (basically anything you can think of) for others to use and benefit from on campus.

How it works:

  1. Find an item you need by using the search bar at the top - "Search this list". To add an item, click "Add Item". Please specify if you are looking for an item (Seeker) or you are providing an item (Provider)
  2. Check the status of the item. If it is available, you can contact the person directly for details on borrowing and returning the item. 
  3. You can toggle views "All available assets", "Grouped by location" "Seeker/Provider" to find the items that are available or closest to you, or items which people need or are lendable.
  4. Make sure to update the list regularly. 

To learn how to use Microsoft Lists, watch this brief tutorial: