4R (Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle + Repair) Resources
Sharing and borrowing
UNBC Outdoors Club
The UNBC Outdoors Club has a variety of gear (skis, snowboards, snowshoes) that you can borrow. You can apply to be a member of their club by emailing unbcoc@gmail.com or visit their table during UNBC Clubs Days.
Tourism PG
You can rent fishing rods and bicycles at the Tourism PG centre!
The Prince George Public Library
The Prince George Public Library has two branches in Prince George and does not only lend out books, but also hiking kits, bicycle repair kits, and sewing kits.
Water Fountains on Campus
Bring your reusable Water Bottle and fill up at our many water fountain stations.

NUGSS Free Store, Reciprocity Shelf, Lending Library, Textbook Shelf, and UNBC Textbooks Official Group
An easy way to access a variety of books that are available for free on campus, with no limits on borrowing time.
For more information about the textbook shelf and unbc textbooks official group:
For more information about the Free Store and Reciprocity Shelf
Eco Living Community Repair Cafe:
If something is broken, don’t throw it away, because you can probably fix it!
Join the Prince George Repair Cafés, a welcoming space where your worn-out small appliances, bicycles, and textiles find a new lease on life! Say goodbye to unnecessary disposals and bring your broken items – from coffee makers to socks – for our skilled volunteers to work their magic. If you have any repair skills or would like to learn, join us as a volunteer and receive an honorarium for your contribution.
Photos from past Repair Cafe events.

Recycling Centres
UNBC Recycling Room
- Beside the UNBC Mail Room (AKA Distributions), there is an alcove with totes for Cardboard and Paper Recycling.
- All other categories are collected in the Recycling Room.
Return It Centres
Did you know that many of your beverage containers like your milk jugs, soda cans, drink boxes, drink pouches, can be returned for a refund? Yes, you can get money just by simply bringing them to the following Return it Centres:
Nechako Bottle Depot
PG Recycling and Return-It Centre
Hart Return-It Bottle Depot
Other Recycling Facilities
Regional District of Fraser Fort George (RDFFG) Transfer Stations
Large Appliance Recycling by MARR
Glass Jars
If you have glass jars lying around and would like to get rid of them, here are some groups that accept jars.
Homespun Refillery (accepts all types)
EAT Canning Circle (Jam jars only)
REAPS Recycling and Repair Directory:
REAPS was established with the mandate of fostering environmental stewardship in the Regional District of Fraser-Fort George. For over 30 years, they have raised community awareness on the importance of the seven Rs – reduce, reuse, recycle, rethink, refuse, repair, regift – and the resources available locally to help guide residents in adopting a more sustainable lifestyle. Attend their many events or check out their directories.
Repair It Directory: Repair-It-Directory.pdf
Waste Reduction Directory: 2024MarchWasteReductionDirectory.pdf
Zero-Waste Stores
Homespun Refillery
Homespun Refillery is a local business offering products that are safe, sustainability sourced, plastic free and use a unique refillery model for customers to conveniently reuse and refill their containers.
Wall to Wall
Wall to Wall is a secondhand hardware store and recycling centre for reusable building materials.
12B 1839 1st Ave (Off 1st Ave - across from Humane Society, Prince George, BC, Canada, British Columbia
+1 250-640-9293
The PGPIRG Good Store:
The PGPIRG Good Store is the new Low Waste Store on UNBC Campus in NUSC Building Rm 6-342 (UNBC).
Please email them at pgpirg@unbc.ca for more information.