The Natural Resources and Environmental Studies Institute Occasional Paper Series publish papers and symposia sponsored or produced by members of the Institute. NRESi Occasional Papers are intended to complement NRESi Research Extension Notes in providing a way for NRESi members to publish regionally relevant information freely available and in an accessible format. NRESi Occasional Papers are more position, idea, concept, and opinion oriented while Research Extension Notes are more data oriented. In addition, each spring the NRESi (with the support of Northwood Pulp & Paper (now Canfor)) hosts an Annual Lecture Series and the written version of the presentations are often published as part of this Occasional Paper Series. More information formatting and submission of Occasional Papers can be found here.
Published Occasional Papers
- Occasional Paper No. 1: Chapin, F.S. III 2007. Social-Ecological Sustainability in Alaskan Boreal Forests: The Challenges of Global Change (http://wizard.unbc.ca/record=b1907138~S3*eng).
- Occasional Paper No. 2: Rees, W.E. 2008. Let’s Get Serious about (Un)Sustainability (Or is it already too late?). (http://wizard.unbc.ca/record=b1907139~S3*eng).
- Occasional Paper No. 3: Booth, A.L., and N. Skelton. 2008. Indigenous community values and commercial forestry: a case study of Tl'azt'en Nation. (http://wizard.unbc.ca/record=b1907140~S3*eng).
- Occasional Paper No. 4: Helle, S., A.L. Fredeen, P.M. Rutherford, G. Halseth, M.P. Gillingham, K. Parker, and H. Massicotte. 2009. Biomass energy in central British Columbia: framing the issues. (http://wizard.unbc.ca/record=b1907142~S3*eng)
- Occasional Paper No. 5: Haeussler, S. and H. Thorpe. (editors and compilers). 2009. Complexity Science and Global Change Workshop Summary. Occasional Paper No. 5, Natural Resources and Environmental Studies Institute University of Northern British Columbia, Prince George, B.C., Canada and Bulkley Valley Centre for Natural Resources Research and Management, Smithers, B.C., Canada. (http://wizard.unbc.ca/record=b1907112~S3*eng)
- Occasional Paper No. 6: García, O. 2010. Models and limits to predictability. Natural Resources and Environmental Studies Institute Occasional Paper No. 6, University of Northern British Columbia, Prince George, B.C., Canada. (http://wizard.unbc.ca/record=b1907110~S3*eng)
- Occasional Paper No. 7: Haeussler, S. 2010. Climate change adaptation for British Columbia Forest and Range Ecosystems: an analysis of existing research frameworks and research needs for the Future Forest Ecosystem Scientific Council (FFESC). Natural Resources and Environmental Studies Institute Occasional Paper No. 7, University of Northern British Columbia, Prince George, B.C., Canada. (NRESi_Op_7_haeussler_2010)
- Occasional Paper No. 8: Noble, B. 2010. Cumulative environmental effects and the tyranny of small decisions: towards meaningful cumulative effects assessment and management. Natural Resources and Environmental Studies Institute Occasional Paper No. 8, University of Northern British Columbia, Prince George, B.C., Canada. (http://wizard.unbc.ca/record=b1907145~S3*eng)