Natural Resources and Environmental Studies Institute (NRESI)
Member Recent Publications
Abadzadesahraei, S., Déry, S.J. and Rex, J. 2017. Quantifying the water balance of Coles Lake in northeastern British Columbia using in situ measurements and comparisons with other regional sources of water information; in Geoscience BC Summary of Activities 2016, Geoscience BC, Report 2017-1, p. 69–74
Aben, K., Wilkening, K and I.D. Hartley 2010 Deciphering the source of technology change: greenhouse gas emission reduction in the British Columbia forest industry, 1990-2005. Technology in Society 32:288-294
Acosta, J.A., A. Faz, S. Martínez-Martínez and J.M. Arocena 2011 Enrichment of metals in soils subjected to different land uses in a typical Mediterranean environment (Murcia City, southeast Spain) Applied Geochemistry 26:405–414
Acosta, J.A., Faz Cano, A., Arocena, J.M., Debela, F., Martinez-Martinez, S. 2009 Distribution of metals in soil particle size fractions and its implications to risk assessment of playgrounds in Murcia City (Spain). Geoderma 149: 101- 109
Acosta, J.A., S. Martínez-Martínez, A. Faz and J.M. Arocena 2011 Accumulations of major and trace elements in particle size fractions of soils on eight different parent materials. Geoderma 161:30–42
Adams, R.V., S.E. LaZerte, K.A. Otter, and T.M. Berg. 2016. Influence of landscape features on the microgeographic genetic structure of a resident songbird. Heredity , (24 February 2016).
Ahrens, C. Donald, Peter L. Jackson, and Christine E.J. Jackson. 2012 Meteorology Today: An Introduction to Weather, Climate, and the Environment (1st Canadian ed.). Toronto: Nelson Education
Ahrens, C. D., P.L. Jackson, C.E.J. Jackson, 2016: Meteorology Today: An Introduction to Weather, Climate, and the Environment. 2nd Canadian Edition. Toronto: Nelson Education. 597 pages plus 48 pages appendix, glossary, index.
Ainslie, B. and P.L. Jackson. 2009. The use of atmospheric dispersion models to determine influence regions in the Prince George B.C. airshed from the burning of open wood waste piles. Environmental Manager, 90, 2393-2401
Ainslie, B., P.L. Jackson, 2010: Downscaling and bias correcting a cold season precipitation climatology over coastal southern British Columbia using the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS). Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 49, 937-953.
Ainslie, B., P.L. Jackson, 2011: Investigation of Mountain Pine Beetle above-canopy dispersion using Weather Radar and an Atmospheric Dispersion Model. Aerobiologia¸ 27, 51-65. DOI 10.1007/s10453-010-9176-9.
Ainslie, B. D.G. Steyn, C. Reuten, P.L. Jackson, 2013: A retrospective analysis of ozone formation in the Lower Fraser Valley, B.C. Part II: Influence of emissions reductions on ozone formation. Atmosphere-Ocean. 51(2), 170-186. DOI 10.1080/07055900.2013.782264
Ainslie, B., N. Alexander, N. Johnston, J. Bradley, A.C. Pomeroy, P.L. Jackson, K.A. Otter, 2014: Predicting spatial patterns of eagle migration using a mesoscale atmospheric model: a case study associated with a mountain-ridge wind development. International Journal of Biometeorology. 58(1), 17-30. DOI 10.1007/s00484-012-0620-0
Aitken, D.A., Child, K.N., Rea, R.V., and O.G. Hjeljord. 2012. Age, sex and seasonal differences of carcass weights of moose from the central interior of British Columbia: A comparative analysis. Alces 48: 105-122
Akça, E., Arocena, J., Kelling, G, Nagano, T., Degryse, P., Poblome, J., Çambel, H., Buyuk, G., Tümay, T., Kapur, S. 2009 Firing Temperatures and Raw Material Sources of Ancient Hittite Ceramics of Asia Minor. Trans. Ind. Ce-ram. Soc., 68:35-40
Akça, E., Arocena, J., Kılıç, S., Dingil, M. and S. Kapur 2010 Preliminary chemical and micromorphological observations on Urartu (800-600 BC) ceramics, Eastern Turkey. Geoarcheaology 25: 223-244
Akça, E., Kapur, S., Özdöl, S., Hodder, I., Poblome, J., Arocena, J., Kelling, G. and Bedestenci 2009 Clues of production for the Neolithic Çatalhöyük (central Anatolia) pottery. Scientific Research and Essay, 4:612-625
Alava J.J. & Gantner, N. 2018; Risks and radiation impacts in the B.C. coastal-marine environment following the Fukushima nuclear accident. In: Ocean Watch British Columbia Edition. First Edition. K. Bodtker (Ed). Coastal Ocean Research Institute, Ocean Wise. 2018.
Albers, S.J. and E.L. Petticrew 2012 Ecosystem response to a salmon disturbance regime: implications for downstream nutrient fluxes in aquatic systems. Limnology and Oceanography 57: 113-123
Albers, S. J., Déry, S. J. and Petticrew, E. L., 2015: Flooding in the Nechako River Basin of Canada: A random forest modeling approach to flood analysis in a highly regulated reservoir system, Canadian Water Resources Journal, 41.
Allan, J. R., Venter, O. & Watson, J. E. M. 2017. Temporally inter-comparable maps of terrestrial wilderness and the Last of the Wild. Scientific Data 4, 170187, doi:10.1038/sdata.2017.187.
Allan JR, Venter O, Maxwell S, Bertzky B, Jones K, Shi Y, Watson JEM. 2017. Recent increases in human pressure and forest loss threaten many Natural World Heritage Sites. Biological Conservation 206 - 47-55
Allan JR, Kormos C, Jaeger T, Venter O, Bertzky B, Shi Y, Mackay B, Merm R, Osipova E, Watson JEM. 2018. Gaps and opportunities for the World Heritage Convention to contribute to global wilderness conservation. Conservation Biology 32: 116-162
Allan, J.R. J.E.M. Watson, M. DiMarco, C.J. O'Bryan, H.P. Possingham, S.C. Atkinson, and O. Venter. 2019. Hotspots of Human Impact on Threatened Terrestrial Vertebrates. PLoS biology 17(3)
Allchin, M. and Déry, S. J., 2017: A spatio-temporal analysis of trends in Northern Hemisphere snow-dominated area and duration, 1971-2014, Annals of Glaciology, 58(75pt1), 21-35.
Allchin, M. and Déry, S. J., 2019: Shifting spatial and temporal patterns in the onset of seasonally snow-dominated conditions in the Northern Hemisphere, 1972-2017, Journal of Climate, 32(16), 4981-5001.
Allchin, M. and Déry, S. J., 2020: The climatological context of trends in the onset of Northern Hemisphere seasonal snowcover, 1972-2017, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 125(17)
Allen, J., K. Bartlett, M. Graham, P.L. Jackson 2011: Ambient concentrations of airborne endotoxin in two cities in the interior of British Columbia, Canada. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 13, 631-640, DOI:10.1039/C0EM00235F
Amos, K.J., Croke, J.C., Timmers, H., Owens, P.N., Thompson, C. 2009 The application of caesium-137 measurements to investigate floodplain deposition in a large semi-arid catchment in Queensland, Australia: a low-fallout environment. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 34: 515-529
Anderson, T.A., and C.J. Johnson. 2014. Distribution of barren-ground caribou during winter in response to fire. Ecosphere 5(10):140.
Argent, N., S. Markey, G. Halseth, L. Murphy, and F. Haslam-McKenzie (accepted) The socio-spatial politics of royalties and their distribution: A case study of the Surat Basin, Queensland. EPA: Economy and Space.
Arocena, J.M., van Mourik, J.M., Schilder, M.L.M. and Á. Faz Cano 2010 Initial soil development under pioneer plant species in metal mine waste deposits. Restoration Ecology 18(S2):244–252
Arocena, J.M., Velde, B. 2009 Transformation of chlorites by primary biological agents - a synthesis of X-ray diffraction studies. Geomicrobiology J. 26:382-388
Aubin, I., A.D. Munson, F. Cardou, P.J. Burton, N. Isabel, J.H. Pedlar, A. Paquette, A.R. Taylor, S. Delagrange, H. Kebli, C. Messier, B. Shipley, F. Valladares, J. Kattge, L. Boisvert-Marsh, and D. McKenney. 2016. Traits to stay, traits to move: a review of functional traits to assess sensitivity and adaptive capacity of temperate and boreal forests to climate change. Environmental Reviews 24(2): 164-186.
Babey, C.N., Gantner N., Williamson C.J., Spendlow I.E., Shrimpton, J.M. 2020. Evidence of predation of juvenile white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) by North American river otter (Lontra canadensis) in the Nechako River, British Columbia, Canada. J Appl Ichthyol 2020;00:1–5.
Bailey, J.M., Reudink, M.W. & Otter, K.A., 2019. Supplemental feeding may reduce responsiveness of black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapillus) to avian mobbing calls during gap-crossing experiments. Canadian Journal of Zoology 97: 680–684
Bakri, T., P.L. Jackson, F. Doherty, 2017. A Synoptic Climatology of Strong Along-channel Winds on the Coast of British Columbia. International Journal of Climatology 37: 2398-2412.
Bakri, T., P.L. Jackson, F. Doherty, 2017: Along-channel Winds in Howe Sound: Climatological Effects and Case Studies. Atmosphere-Ocean. 55, 12-30.
Bakri, T., P.L. Jackson, 2019: Statistical and Synoptic Analyses of Offshore Wind Variations. International Journal of Climatology. 39, 3201-3217.
Balogh, S.L., Huber, D.P.W., Lindgren, B.S. 2018. Single-generation effects on terpenoid defenses in lodgepole pine populations following mountain pine beetle infestation. PLoS ONE 13:e0196063.
Balogh S.L., Björklund N., Huber D.P.W., Lindgren B.S. 2020. Random and directed movement by Warren root collar weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), relative to size and distance of host lodgepole pine trees. Journal of Insect Science Journal of Insect Science 20(4): 9.
Banerjee S., N. Kennedy, A.E. Richardson, K.N. Egger, and Siciliano, S.D. 2016. Archaeal ammonia oxidizers respond to soil factors at smaller spatial scales than overall archaea in a high Arctic polar oasis. Canadian Journal of Microbiology, Published on the web 1 February 2016.
Barber QE, Parisien M-A, Whitman E, Stralberg D, Johnson C.J., St-Laurent M-H, DeLancey ER, Price DT, Arseneault D, Wang X, and Flannigan MD. 2018. Potential impacts of climate change on the habitat of boreal woodland caribou. Ecosphere 9(10).
Barboza, P.S., Parker, K.L. 2008 Allocating protein to reproduction in arctic reindeer and caribou. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 81: 835-855
Barrier, T.A. and C.J. Johnson 2012 The influence of fire history on selection of foraging sites by barren-ground caribou. Ecoscience 19: 177-188
Barst, B.D., P. E. Drevnick, D.C.G. Muir, N. Gantner, M. Power, G. Köck, N. Chéhab, H. Swanson, F. Rigét, N. Basu. 2018. Screening-level risk assessment of methylmercury for non-anadromous Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus): A State of the Art Review; Environ Toxicol Chem. ETCJ-Oct-18-00622
Barthod L.R.M., Liu K., Lobb D.A., Owens P.N., Martinez-Carreras N., Koiter A.J., Petticrew E.L., McCullough G.K., Liu C., Gaspar L. (2015). Selecting color-based tracers and classifying sediment sources in the assessment of sediment dynamics using sediment source fingerprinting. Journal of Environmental Quality, 44, 1605-1616.
Bash, E., Moorman, B., Menounos, B., and Gunther, A. 2020. Evaluation of SfM for surface characterization on a snow-covered glacier through comparison with aerial lidar. Journal of Unmanned Vehicle Systems 8, 119-139.
Beedle M. J., Menounos, B., Luckman, H., Wheate, R. 2009 Annual push moraines as climate proxy. Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L20501.
Beedle, M.J., B. Menounos, R. Wheate. (2014). An evaluation of mass-balance methods applied to Castle Creek Glacier, British Columbia, Canada. Journal of Glaciology, Vol. 60, No. 220, 2014
Beedle, M.J., B. Menounos, and R. Wheate. 2015. Glacier change in the Cariboo Mountains, British Columba, Canada (1952- 2005). Pp. 65-80 in “The Cryosphere”.
Benmansour, M., Mabit, L., Owens, P.N., Tarján, S., Walling, D.E. (2014). The use of excess 210Pb (210Pbex) as a soil and sediment tracer. In: Guidelines for Using Fallout Radionuclides to Assess Erosion and Effectiveness of Soil Conservation Strategies. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Technical Document, TecDoc 1741, IAEA, Vienna, Austria, pp. 79- 104.
Berg, B., B. Erhagen, M.-B. Johansson, L. Vesterdal, M. Faituri, P. Sanborn, and M. Nilsson. 2013. Manganese dynamics in decomposing needle and leaf litter — a synthesis. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 43(12): 1127-1136.
Berg, B., Johansson, M.B., Liu, C., Faiturie, M., Sanborn, P., Vesterdal, L., Ni, X., Hansen, K., and Ukonmaanaho, L. 2017. Calcium in decomposing foliar litter – A synthesis for boreal and temperate coniferous forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 403: 137-144.
Berg, B., T. Sun, M.-B. Johansson, P. Sanborn, X. Ni, S. Akerblom, M. Lonn. 2021. Magnesium dynamics in decomposing foliar litter – A synthesis. Geoderma 382: 114756.
Berthier, E., Schiefer, E., Clarke, G.K.C., Menounos, B. and F. Rémy 2010 Contribution of Alaskan glaciers to sea-level rise derived from satellite imagery. Nature Geoscience, 17 January. doi: 10.1038/NGEO737
Berzins L.L, Dawson R.D. (2016) Experimentally altered plumage brightness of female tree swallows: a test of the differential allocation hypothesis. Behaviour 153: 525-550.
Berzins L.L, Dawson R.D. (2018) Experimentally altered plumage brightness of female tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) influences nest site retention and reproductive success Canadian Journal of Zoology 95: in press.
Berzins L.L, Shrimpton J.M., Dawson R.D. (2018) Experimentally altering pre-breeding sex steroids reduces extra-pair paternity in female tree swallows. Ethology 124: 410-422.
Berzins L.L, Dawson R.D. (2019) Does experimentally altered plumage ornamentation of female passerines influence offspring quality? A test in female tree swallows. Ethology 125: 298-305.
Berzins L.L., Dawson R.D., Morrissey C.A., Clark R.G. (2020) The relative contribution of individual quality and changing climate as drivers of lifetime reproductive success in a short-lived avian species. Scientific Reports 10: 19766.
Beyer HL, Venter O, Grantham HS, Watson JEM. 2019. Substantial losses in ecoregion intactness highlights urgency of globally coordinated action. Conservation Letters. 2019; e12592.
Bhattacharya, A., Bolch, T., Mukherjee, K., King, O., Kapitsa, V., Menounos, B., Neckel, N., Yang, W., Yao, T.D., (in press). Multi-platform observations document glacier variability in High Mountain Asia since the 1960s. Nature Communications.
Bidlack, A., Bisbing, S., Buma, B., Diefenderfer, H., Fellman, J., Floyd, W., Giesbrecht, I., Lally, A., Lertzman, K., Perakis, S., Butman, D., D'Amore, D., Fleming, S., Hood, E., Hunt, B., Kiffney, P., McNicol, G., Menounos, B., and Tank, S., 2021. Climate-Mediated Changes to Linked Terrestrial and Marine Ecosystems across the Northeast Pacific Coastal Temperate Rainforest Margin, BioScience
Binici, H., Arocena, J., Kapur, S., Aksogan, O., and H. Kaplan 2009 Microstructure of red brick dust and ground basaltic pumice blended cement mortars exposed to magnesium sulphate solutions. Can. J. Civ. Eng. 36:1784–1793
Binici, H., Arocena, J., Kapur, S., Aksogan, O., and H. Kaplan 2010 Investigation of the physico-chemical and microscopic properties of Ottoman mortars from Erzurum (Turkey). Construction and Building Materials 24:1995–2002
Bitton P.-P., Dawson R.D. (2008) Age-related differences in plumage characteristics of male tree swallows: hue and brightness signal different aspects of individual quality. Journal of Avian Biology 39: 446-452.
Bitton P.-P., Dawson R.D. (2017) Age-related prenatal maternal effects and postnatal breeding experience have different influences on nestling development in an altricial passerine. Journal of Avian Biology 48: 660-668.
Bitton P.-P., Dawson R.D., Ochs C.L. (2008) Plumage characteristics, reproductive investment, and assortative mating in tree swallows Tachycineta bicolor. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 62: 1543-1550.
Björklund, N. and B.S. Lindgren 2010 Basal area – a measure with limited ecological significance for phloem feeding insects. In Columbus, F. (Ed.) Insect Habitats: Characteristics, Diversity and Management. (New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.) pp 151-156
Björklund, N., B.S. Lindgren, T.L. Shore and T. Cudmore. 2009 Can predicted mountain pine beetle net production be used to improve stand prioritization for management? For. Ecol. Managem. 257: 233–237
Björklund, N., Lindgren, B.S. 2009 Diameter of lodgepole pine and mortality caused by the mountain pine beetle: factors that influence the relationship and their applicability for susceptibility rating. Can. J. for. Res. 39: 908-916
Blagdon, D., C.J. Johnson. 2021 Short term, but high risk of predation for endangered mountain caribou during seasonal migration. Biodiversity and Conservation 30 (3), 719-739.
Blake, W.H.,Boeckx, P., Stock, B., Smith, H.G., Bode, S., Upadahayay, H. R., Gaspar, L., Goddard, R., Lennard, A., Lizaga, I., Lobb, D.A., Owens, P.N., Petticrew, E.L., Kuzyk, Z., Gari, B.D., Munishi, L., Mtei, K., Nebiyu, A., Mabit, L., Navas, A., Semmens, B. (2018). A hierarchical Bayesian mixing model approach for river basin sediment source apportionment. Scientific Reports 8:13073.
Blewett, J. and Hanlon, N., 2016. Disablement as inveterate condition: Living with habitual ableism in Prince George, British Columbia. The Canadian Geographer 60(1): 46‐55.
Boateng, K. and Lewis, K.J. 2015. Spore dispersal by Dothistroma septosporum in northwest British Columbia. Phytopathology. 105:69-79.
Bode M, Tulloch A, Mills M, Venter O, Ando A. 2015. A conservation planning approach to mitigating the impacts of leakage from protected area networks. Conservation Biology 29: 765-774.
Bois, C., Janzen, D.T., Sanborn, P.T., Fredeen, A.L. 2009 Contrasting total carbon stocks between ecological site series in a sub-boreal spruce research forest in central British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 39(5) May: 897-907
Bolch, T., Menounos, B., Wheate, R. 2010 Landsat-based inventory of glaciers in western Canada, 1985-2005. Remote Sensing of Environment 114: 127-137.
Bolch T., Shea, J.M., S. Liu, F.M. Azam, Y. Gao, S. Gruber, W.W. Immerzeel, A. Kulkarni, H. Li, A.A. Tahir, G. Zhang, and Y. Zhang., 2019. Status and Change of the Cryosphere in the Extended Hindu Kush Himalaya Region. In: Wester P., Mishra A., Mukherji A., Shrestha A. (eds) The Hindu Kush Himalaya Assessment. Springer, Cham
Bonnett, T.R., Robert, J.A., Pitt, C., Fraser, J.D., Keeling, C.I., Bohlmann, J. and D.P.W. Huber 2012. Global and comparative proteomic profiling of overwintering and developing mountain pine beetle, Dendroctonus ponderosae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), larvae. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Booth, A.L. and G. Halseth. 2011 Why the Public Thinks Natural Resources Public Participation Processes Fail: A Case Study of British Columbia Communities. Land Use Policy 28: 898-906
Booth, A.L. And N. Skelton. 2011 “There’s a Conflict Right There.” Integrating Indigenous Community Values into Commercial Forestry in the Tl’azt’en Nation. Society and Natural Resources 24: 368-383
Booth, A.L. and N.W. Skelton. 2011 Industry and Government Perspectives on First Nations Participation in the British Columbia Environmental Assessment Process. Environmental Impact Assessment Review. Accepted November 22, 2010
Booth, A.L. and N.W. Skelton. Forthcoming. “We are Fighting for Ourselves” - First Nations’ Evaluation of British Columbia and Canadian Environmental Assessment Processes. Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management. Accepted November 7, 2010
Booth, A.L. and N.W. Skelton. Forthcoming. Anatomy of a Failed Sustainability Initiative: Government and Community Resistance to Sustainable Landscaping in a Canadian City. Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy. Accepted January 12, 2011
Booth, A.L. and N.W. Skelton. 2011 “You spoil everything!” Indigenous Peoples and the Consequences of Industrial Development in British Columbia. Environment, Development and Sustainability. On-line: DOI 10.1007/s10668-011-9284-x
Booth, A.L. And N.W. Skelton. In Press, March 2011. Improving First Nations’ Participation in Environmental Assessment Processes: Recommendations from the Field. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal
Bortolotti L.E., Harriman V.B., Clark R.G., Dawson R.D. (2011) Can changes in provisioning by parent birds account for seasonally-declining patterns of offspring recruitment? Canadian Journal of Zoology 89: 921-928.
Botten, N., Wood, L.J., Werner, J.R., 2021. Glyphosate remains in forest plant tissues for a decade or more. Forest Ecology and Management 493.
Boudreault, C, Coxson, D.S., Bergeron, Y., Stevenson, S., and M. Bouchard. 2013. Do forests treated by partial cutting provide growth conditions similar to old-growth forests for epiphytic lichens? Biological Conservation 159: 458-467.
Boudreault, M., Koiter. A.J., Lobb, D.A., Lui, K., Benoy, G., Owens P.N., Danielescu, D., Li, S., 2018. Using colour, shape and radionuclide fingerprints to identify sources of sediment in an agricultural watershed in Atlantic Canada. Canadian Water Resources Journal, 43, 347-365.
Boudreault, M., Koiter, A.J., Lobb, D.A., Liu, K., Benoy, G., Owens, P.N., Li, S., 2019. Comparison of sampling designs for sediment source fingerprinting in an agricultural watershed in Atlantic Canada. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 19, 3302-3318.
Boulanger, Y., S. Gauthier, and P.J. Burton. 2014. A refinement of models projecting future Canadian fire regimes using homogeneous fire regime zones. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 44: 365-376.
Bouquey, N., Campbell, L.M., Cumming, G. Meletis, Zoë A., Norwood, C. and J. Stoll 2012. Interpreting Amenities, Envisioning the Future: Common Ground and Conflict in North Carolina’s Coastal Communities. Geojournal 77(1): (2012) 77: 83-101.
Bouquey, N., Campbell, L.M., Cumming, G., Meletis, Z.A., Norwood, C., and J. Stoll 2010 Interpreting amenities, envisioning the future: common ground and conflict in North Carolina’s coastal communities. Geojournal DOI 10.1007/s10708-010-9387-1
Bowler, R., Fredeen, A.L., Brown, M.G. and T.A. Black 2012 Residual vegetation importance to net CO2 update in pine-dominated stands following mountain pine beetle attack in central British Columbia, Canada. Forest Ecology and Management 269: 82-91
Bowler, Rebecca, Hugues B. Massicotte, and Arthur L. Fredeen. 2017. Combining leaf gas-exchange and stable carbon isotopes to assess mycoheterotrophy in three species of Pyroleae. Botany 95.
Boyce, M.S., Johnson, C.J., Merrill, E.H., Nielsen, S.E., Solberg, E.J., and van Moorter, B. Can habitat selection predict abundance? Journal of Animal Ecology.
Brahney J., Clague J., Edwards T., and B. Menounos 2010 Late Holocene paleohydrology of Kluane Lake, Yukon Territory, Canada. Journal of Paleolimnology 44( 3) 873-885
Brahney, J., Clague, J.J., Edwards, T.W.D., and B. Menounos 2010 Late Holocene paleohydrology of Kluane Lake, Yukon Territory, Canada. Journal of Paleolimnology 44(3): 873-885
Brahney, J., Bothwell, M., Capito, L., Gray, C.A., Null, S.E., Menounos, B., Curtis, P.J., 2021. Glacier recession alters stream water quality characteristics facilitating bloom formation in the benthic diatom Didymosphenia geminate. Science of the Total Environment 764, 1428562.
Breault, D.N., C.J. Johnson, M. Todd, and M.P. Gillingham. 2021. Resource use by an apex mesocarnivore, Pacific marten in a highly modified forested island ecosystem. Forest Ecology and Management 492, 119167
Breault, D.N, C.J. Johnson, M. Todd, S.S. Verenitch, and M.P. Gillingham. 2021. Spatial and temporal variability in the diet of Pacific marten (Martes caurina) on Haida Gwaii: an apex predator in a highly modified ecosystem. Canadian Journal of Zoology,
Bridger, M.C., C.J. Johnson, and M.P. Gillingham. 2017. Working with experts to quantify changes in the abundance of furbearers following rapid and large-scale forest harvesting. Forest Ecology and Management 402:194-203.
Brochez, C.B., R.V. Rea, S.M. Crowley, and D.P. Hodder. 2020. Year-round patterns of mineral lick use by Moose (Alces americanus), deer, and Elk (Cervus canadensis) in north-central British Columbia. Canadian Field-Naturalist 134(4): 361–374.
Brockley, R.P., Sanborn, P.T. 2009 Effects of repeated fertilization on forest floor and mineral soil properties in young lodgepole pine and spruce forests in central British Columbia. Technical Report 052 (BC Ministry of Forests and Range, Victoria)
Brown, M., Black, T.A., Nesic, Z., Foord, V.N., Spittlehouse, D.L., Fredeen, A.L., Grant, N.J., Burton, P.J., and J.A. Trofynow 2010 Impact of mountain pine beetle on the net ecosystem production of lodgepole pine stands in British Columbia. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 150: 254-264
Brown, M.G., Black, T.A., Nesic, Z., Fredeen, A.L., Foord, V.N., Spittlehouse, D.L., Bowler, R., Burton, P.J., Trofymow, J.A., Grant, N.J. and D. Lessard 2012 The carbon balance of two lodgepole pine stands recovering from mountain pine beetle attack in British Columbia. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 153: 82-93 doi: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2011.07.010
Brown, M.G., T.A. Black, Z. Nesic, V.N. Foord, D.L. Spittlehouse, A.L. Fredeen, R. Bowler, N.J. Grant, P.J. Burton, J.A. Trofymow, and D. Lessard. 2014. Evapotranspiration and canopy characteristics of two lodgepole pine stands following mountain pine beetle attack. Hydrological Processes 28(8): 3326-3340.
Brown CJ, Bode M, Venter O, Barnes MD, McGowan J, Runge C, Watson JEM, Possingham HP. 2015. Effective conservation requires clear objectives and prioritising actions, not places or species. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA
Brown, R., Marsh, P., Déry, S. J., and Yang, D., 2020: Chapter 3: Snow cover - observations, processes, changes and impacts on northern hydrology, Arctic Hydrology, Permafrost and Ecosystem, Springer, 61-99.
Brubacher, J., Allen, D. M., Déry, S. J., Parkes, M. W., Chhetri, B., Mak, S., Sobie, S., and Takaro, T. K., 2020: Associations of five food- and water-borne diseases and ecological zone, land use, and aquifer type in a changing climate, Science of the Total Environment, 138808
Bryan, H. and Harder, J. 2020. Reproduction and Hormones. Pp. 530-553 in: Silvy, N.J. (Ed). The Wildlife Techniques Manual. 8th Edition. Vol 1. John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
Bruzzese, B.M. Bowler, R., Massicotte, H.B., and A.L. Fredeen 2010 Photosynthetic light response in three carnivorous plant species: Drosera rotundifolia, D. capensis and Sarracenia leucophylla. Photosynthetica 48 (1): 103-109
Burford, J.E., Déry, S.J., Holmes, R.D. 2009 Some aspects of the hydroclimatology of the Quesnel River Basin, British Columbia, Canada. Hydrol. Proc. 23, doi: 10.1002/hyp.7253
Burian S.K., Erasmus D.J., Shrimpton C.M., Currie D.C., Giberson D.J., Huber D.P.W. 2018. First records of Baetis vernus Curtis (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) in North America, with morphological notes. Journal of the Entomological Society of British Columbia 115:3-24.
Burns, C., D. Robichaud, E. Plate, T.G. Gerwing, J. Nova, Y. Bychkov, and R.C. Bocking. 2020. The effect of a spatial harvest closure area on the abundance, movement, and demographics of an intensively fished population of Dungeness Crabs (Cancer magister) along Roberts Bank, British Columbia, Canada. Estuaries and Coasts. 43: 1556–1570.
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