Valedictorian nomination form

Nominations for the Class of 2024 Valedictorians open Friday, January 12, 2024. All nominations must be submitted by Friday, February 16, 2024.

Eligible nominators

Primary nominators (1 total)

Any student who has met the requirements to graduate for the Convocation ceremony is eligible to nominate a fellow student who has also met the requirements to graduate for the Convocation ceremony.

Secondary nominators (2 total)

Graduating students, Deans, program Chairs, faculty members and staff members are eligible to nominate a student who has met the requirements to graduate at the Convocation ceremony.

Please note that selection committee members are unable to nominate students for Valedictorian.

View the Valedictorian information package for more details on nomination submission requirements.

Nomination guidelines

  • Students are not required to submit a copy of their transcript. The Office of the Registrar will complete verification of each nominee's cumulative grade point average.
  • Only one nomination package is accepted per nominated student.
  • Nominators or nominees may submit this form as long as the information provided is correct. All nominators, references and nominees will be contacted for verification and confirmation of involvement in the nomination process.

Nominee information

By providing the nominee's name below, you are indicating that the nominee has accepted the nomination.

Primary nominator

The primary nominator must be eligible to submit a nomination as defined in the Valedictorian information package.

Secondary nominators

Secondary nominators must be eligible to submit a nomination as defined in the Valedictorian information package.

First secondary nominator

Affiliation: *

Second secondary nominator

Affiliation: *

Academic reference

Is your academic reference a nominator? *
Yes, my reference is the: - Optional

Volunteer and work reference

Is your volunteer and work reference a nominator? *
Yes, my reference is the: - Optional
Nomination submission checklist

Please email the following documents to before submitting the form. Please include the subject line 'Valedictorian nomination - supporting documents'.

  1. Letter from the primary nominator outlining the reasons for the nomination (maximum 500 words, one page)
  2. Letter from the nominee outlining areas of participation, study and leadership (maximum 500 words, one page)
  3. Curriculum vitae or resume of nominee
  4. Academic reference letter for nominee
  5. Volunteer or work reference letter for nominee
Have you emailed all of the documents listed above? *