Two in-person Convocation Ceremonies will take place on Friday, May 30, 2025 at the Charles Jago Northern Sport Centre at the Prince George Campus. In preparation for the 30th, there are various activities on Thursday the 29th that we recommend graduands do to be prepared.
Thursday May 29th
Graduand Drop-In to Preview Ceremony Space (Optional)
9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Northern Sport Centre Gymnasium
Note: the Convocation Coordinator will be on-hand to answer questions and show students where they will walk, be seated, stop on stage for pictures etc.
Graduand Regalia (gown and hood) Pickup (Mandatory on Thursday OR Friday morning)
9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Canfor Winter Garden
Registration and Parchment Pickup (Mandatory on Thursday OR Friday morning)
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Canfor Winter Garden
Note: Registration and Regalia/Parchment pick-up on Thursday is highly recommended to allow sufficient time to visit Gowning and Phonetics on Friday morning for those in Ceremony 1 (AM). Bring your UNBC ID and ensure you bring your procession card back with you on Friday for the Ceremony in order to process across the stage. Do not bring your parchment back with you on Friday. Thursday is also a good time to grab caps from the UNBC Bookstore, should you want to purchase one.
Friday May 30th
To confirm the Faculties and Degree Programs in each Ceremony reference the convocation-ceremony-schedule-by-faculty-and-degree-program.pdf
Note: Graduands receiving multiple credentials only cross the Convocation stage once. The higher-level credential is acknowledged during the ceremony; If you are receiving a certificate and a bachelors’ degree, you will attend the ceremony that lists your bachelors’ degree. If you receive two certificates, you will cross the stage for the certificate that occurs first in the program listing.
Note: we highly recommend wearing comfortable shoes for Convocation Day as you will be standing in lines and walking from campus to the Northern Sports Centre and back, rain or shine.
Graduand Regalia (gown and hood) Pickup (Mandatory if not done on Thursday)
Arrive between 7:30 a.m. and 8:00 a.m.
Canfor Winter Garden
Graduand Gowning (Optional; only if assistance needed)
Arrive by 8:00 a.m.
Good Earth Sitting Area
Graduand Registration, Parchment Pickup, and Phonetics (Mandatory if not done on Thursday)
Arrive by 8:10 a.m.
Bentley Centre
Note: Bring your UNBC ID and ensure you do not misplace your procession card as it's needed to process across the stage. We recommend you give your parchment to a friend or family member prior to getting into processional line-up.
Processional Lineup (Mandatory)
Be in line by 8:30 a.m.
Bentley Hallway
Procession to the Northern Sport Centre (Mandatory)
9:00 a.m.
Bentley Hallway to Northern Sport Centre Field House - Student Marshals will lead graduands.
Note: UHNBC Drummers will join the procession, inviting students to drum along with them. Sage may be burned during the procession to cleanse graduand minds, body, and spirit while clearing the path to the Ceremony.
Convocation Ceremony (Mandatory)
9:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Northern Sport Centre Gymnasium
During the Ceremony graduands will process into the gymnasium, taking their seat as directed by Student Marshalls. Graduands must have their procession card with them to be scanned prior to going onto the stage where the card is handed to the Orator who reads their name as they walk to the middle of the stage to shake hands with the Chancellor, President and other Program/Faculty representatives before being handed an Alumni pin by the Alumni Council Chair and exiting the stage. Graduands will go directly into the photo pit line-up, moving their tassel from right to the left for their photo, and then moving their tassel back to the right before exiting the photo pit and going back to be seated. At the close of the Ceremony graduands will stand for the tassel turn as directed by the Alumni Council Chair and then follow the drummers out directed by Student Marshalls as part of the recession through the fieldhouse where they came in. Graduands will be led back to the Agora steps for their Class Photo and Celebratory Treats and Beverages. The Ceremony process can be viewed by watching past Ceremonies.
Class Photo (Mandatory)
12:15 p.m. (OR right after ceremony)
Agora Courtyard Steps - Student Marshals will lead graduates after Ceremony.
Celebratory Treats and Beverages (Optional)
12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Agora Courtyard - Graduates are invited to enjoy treats and beverages with their family and friends following the AM Ceremony.
Regalia Returns (Mandatory)
12:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Canfor Winter Garden
Note: if regalia is not returned by 6:00 p.m. on Friday May 30th a late fee will be applied. Graduates must mail late regalia returns to:
Harcourts Canada
315 Lonsdale Ave #1
North Vancouver, BC
V7M 2G3
Note: we highly recommend wearing comfortable shoes for Convocation Day as you will be standing in lines and walking from campus to the Northern Sports Centre and back, rain or shine.
Celebratory Treats and Beverages (Optional)
10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Agora Courtyard - Graduands are invited to enjoy treats and beverages with their family and friends prior to the PM Ceremony.
Graduand Regalia (gown and hood) Pickup (Mandatory if not done on Thursday)
Arrive between 12:00 p.m. and 12:30 p.m.
Canfor Winter Garden
Graduand Gowning (Optional; only if assistance needed)
Arrive by 12:30 p.m.
Good Earth Sitting Area
Graduand Registration, Parchment Pickup, and Phonetics (Mandatory if not done on Thursday)
Arrive by 12:40 p.m.
Bentley Centre
Note: Bring your UNBC ID and ensure you do not misplace your procession card as it's needed to process across the stage. We recommend you give your parchment to a friend or family member prior to getting into processional line-up.
Class Photo (Mandatory)
1:00 p.m.
Agora Courtyard Steps - All Ceremony 2 graduands meet in the Agora Courtyard.
Processional Lineup (Mandatory)
Be in line by 1:30 p.m.
Bentley Hallway
Procession to the Northern Sport Centre (Mandatory)
2:00 p.m.
Bentley Hallway to Northern Sport Centre Field House – Student Marshals will lead graduands.
Note: UHNBC Drummers will join the procession, inviting students to drum along with them. Sage may be burned during the procession to cleanse graduand minds, body, and spirit while clearing the path to the Ceremony.
Convocation Ceremony (Mandatory)
2:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Northern Sport Centre Gymnasium
During the Ceremony graduands will process into the gymnasium, taking their seat as directed by Student Marshalls. Graduands must keep their procession card with them to be scanned prior to going onto the stage where the card is handed to the Orator who reads their name as they walk to the middle of the stage to shake hands with the Chancellor, President and other Program/Faculty representatives before being handed an Alumni pin by the Alumni Council Chair and exiting the stage. Graduands will go directly into the photo pit line-up, moving their tassel from right to the left for their photo, and then moving their tassel back to the right before exiting the photo pit and going back to be seated. At the close of the Ceremony graduands will stand for the tassel turn as directed by the Alumni Council Chair and then follow the drummers out directed by Student Marshalls as part of the recession through the fieldhouse where they came in. The Ceremony process can be viewed by watching past Ceremonies.
Regalia Returns (Mandatory)
4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Canfor Winter Garden
Note: if regalia is not returned by 6:00 p.m. on Friday May 30th a late fee will be applied. Graduates must mail late regalia returns to:
Harcourts Canada
315 Lonsdale Ave #1
North Vancouver, BC
V7M 2G3