Branscomb, Dr. Richard
Research and Expertise
Areas of Expertise
Technical and professional communication, rhetoric, writing pedagogy.
Bryan, Heather
Research and Expertise
Research Fields
- Biodiversity/Ecology
- Conservation
- Wildlife
Areas of Expertise
Wildlife, conservation, predator-prey interactions, carnivores, mammals, disease ecology, ecophysiology, wildlife health, wildlife ecology, conservation physiology
Budde, Dr. Robert
Research and Expertise
Research Fields
- Culture
- Environment
- Ethics
- First Nations
- Gender and Women's Studies
- Human Rights
Areas of Expertise
Creative writing, Canadian literature, ecopoetry, northern BC literature.
Burke, Dr. Susan
Research and Expertise
Research Fields
- Education
- First Nations
- Health and Well-being
- Social Work
Areas of Expertise
Indigenous social work practice, child welfare practice, kinship care, social work health and wellness, indigenous social work education
Burton, Phil
Research and Expertise
Research Fields
- Biodiversity/Ecology
- Climate Change
- Conservation
- Environment
- Forestry
- Natural Resources
- Sustainability
Areas of Expertise
Disturbance ecology, vegetation dynamics, forest regeneration, sustainable forest management.
Cale, Dr. Jonathan
Research and Expertise
Areas of Expertise
Forest Pathology, Forest Health, Forest Ecology, Fungal Ecology, Mycology, Chemical Ecology, Tree Physiology
Campana, Dr. Christine
Research and Expertise
Areas of Expertise
Indigenous literatures, Canadian literature, women’s literature, theory and criticism, poetry/poetics, diaspora studies, and Indigenous-settler relations.
Chandra, Dr. Shruti
Research and Expertise
Research Fields
- Artificial Intelligence
- Assistive Robotics
- Autonomous Systems
- Cognitive Science
- Health Sciences
- Human‑centred Design
- Human‑Robot Interaction
- Interaction Design
- Pedagogy
- Social Robotics
Areas of Expertise
Social robotics, robot-mediated instructions, robot-assistive education, human‑centred design, autonomous and interactive systems, interaction design.
Chen, Dr. Liang
Research and Expertise
Research Fields
- Computer Science
- Election
- Information Studies
- Mathematics
- Statistics
Areas of Expertise
Artificial Intelligence including: Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Data Mining; Theory of Computation; Voting Theory, Big data, Data analysis.
Cherian, Chinchu
Research and Expertise
Research Fields
- Climate Change
- Engineering
- Environment
- Northern Issues
- Sustainability
Areas of Expertise
Soil mechanics, Ground improvement techniques, Geosynthetics and Engineering Materials, Sustainable geotechnical practices, Industrial waste management
Cheung, Emily
Research and Expertise
Research Fields
- Energy
- Environment
- Ethics
- Natural Hazards
- Natural Resources
- Statistics
- Sustainability
Areas of Expertise
Hydrotechnical engineering, bridge design, hydroelectric development, water resource engineering