Date | Speaker | Affiliation | Topic |
September 5 | Dr. Andreas Zedrosser | Institute for Biology and Nature Conservation, University of Norway | Reproductive Strategies of Scandinavian Brown Bears |
September 19 | Dr. Philip N. Owens | Cranfield University, UK (Candidate for Endowed Chair in Landscape Ecology (UNBC) | My Vision of the Landscape Ecology Chair and Program and How my Research Fits into this. |
September 26 | Jeff Meggs | Forestry Tasmania, Hobart |
Forest Management and CWD Biodiversity Conservation in Tasmania: an opportunity not to repeat history |
October 10 | Jorg Bohlmann | Biotechnology Laboratory, University of British Columbia | Biology and Genomics of Herbivore-Induced, Direct and Indirect Defence in Forest Trees |
October 17 | Dr. Jan Boelhouwers | Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University, Sweden | Blockfields and Myth of Freeze/Thaw Efficacy in the Periglacial Landscape |
October 24 | Dr. Marten Geertsema | BC Forest Service | Impacts of Climate Change on Landslides in Northern British Columbia |
October 31 | Lana M. Ciarniello | Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta | Grizzly Bear Habitat Selection in Mountain and Plateau Landscapes Surrounding the Parsnip River, BC: Results of 5 Years in the Field |
November 7 | Dr. Scott Green | Ecosystem Science and Management, UNBC | What's a Poor Tree to do when everything is changing - A Perspective on Forest Response to Climate Change in the North |
November 15 | Dr. Randy Currah | University of Alberta | Fungal Ascocarp Ontogeny and Evolution: Relationships to Arthropod-Mediated Dispersal Mechanisms |
November 21 | Dr. Spencer Alkan | Forintek Canada Corp. | Computed Tomography (CT) Scanning at Forintek: Examples from on-going Research |
November 28 |
Dr. Kathy Lewis Sue Grainger Roy Rea |
Ecosystem Science and Management - UNBC | The John Prince Research Forest - Integrating Research and Teaching Through Shas, Duni and Chuntoh |