2003 News Releases

Media Release
Title Release Date
New Officers to Guide Northern Medical Programs Trust 24-Dec-03
2003 Year in Review 23-Dec-03
UNBC Announces Peter Bentley as Next Chancellor 17-Dec-03
Northern BC Community Groups Receive Funding for Local Youth Projects 16-Dec-03
UNBC Participates in Opportunity to Make Prince George a Centre of Excellence for Nordic Skiing 15-Dec-03
Offshore Oil & Gas Workshop Planned in Port Hardy 11-Dec-03
Northern Medical Program Announces New Appointments 10-Dec-03
Centre for Genetic Research Established 9-Dec-03
Research Partnership with Tl'azt'en Nation to Examine Methods for Integrating Traditional Knowledge of the Land 8-Dec-03
UNBC Explores New MBA Program 3-Dec-03
Federal Funding Supports Northern Research 28-Nov-03
New Leader of UNBC's Northwest Region Appointed 26-Nov-03
Northern Medical Program Officials Visit Communities in Northwestern BC 20-Nov-03
New, Expanded Northern BC Archives Opens 18-Nov-03
Government Funding to Support UNBC Technology Transfer 17-Nov-03
Medical Program Develops Links with Communities - Officials Visit Northeast region 14-Nov-03
UNBC Climbs to Best-Ever Ranking in Maclean's 9-Nov-03
UNBC plays big role at northern conference 5-Nov-03
UNBC Prof Participates in Ottawa Conference with other "Leaders of Tomorrow" 31-Oct-03
UNBC Scores High Marks in Alumni Survey 27-Oct-03
UNBC Seeks Nominations for Next Chancellor 20-Oct-03
Research to Create Process for Strategic Economic Development in the North 15-Oct-03
National Sport Development Expert to Lend His Expertise to Northern Sport Centre 7-Oct-03
Political Science Program Hosts Workshop on Northern Governance in Smithers 26-Sept-03
UNBC Hosts Donor Recognition Event, Kicks Off Annual Fundraising Campaign, and Unveils New Campus Sign 26-Sept-03
UNBC Sees Modest Enrolment Growth in the Fall Semester 24-Sept-03
UNBC Professor to Accompany Governor-General on Northern Tour 22-Sept-03
Local Construction Company Receives Contract to Expand Teaching Laboratory 10-Sept-03
National Cross-Country Ski Team in Prince George - athletes utilize area around UNBC for training 4-Sept-03
UNBC Class Returns from Anthropology Field School in Russia 3-Sept-03
Northern Medical Program: One Year to Go 28-Aug-03
Lab Extension Site Prep Contract Awarded 14-Aug-03
Boom and Bust: Northern Scholars Visit Canada's North 12-Aug-03
Offshore Oil and Gas Impacts Program Moves Forward 5-Aug-03
Saying Thanks: New Leader of the Northern Medical Program to Bike from Prince George to Tumbler Ridge 1-Aug-03
New Laboratory Construction to Begin this Summer 30-July-03
Local Construction Company Receives Contract for Northern Health Sciences Centre 11-July-03
UNBC Hosts First Graduation Celebration in Fort St John to Recognize Student Achievement 7-July-03
UNBC Seeks Nominations for Prestigious Awards 25-June-03
Prince George City Council Endorses the Proposed Northern Sport Centre 23-June-03
UNBC Faculty Attract Nearly $1 Million in Federal Money for Scientific Research 9-June-03
Convocation Ceremony Last for UNBC Chancellor 29-May-03
New Board of Governors & Chair Appointed 28-May-03
Northern Timberwolves Receive National Award for Community Service 27-May-03
Convocation 2003 26-May-03
New Dean of Arts, Social, and Health Sciences Appointed 26-May-03
UNBC Seeks to Improve and Expand Programming for Aboriginal Students 20-May-03
New leader of the Northern Medical Program appointed 12-May-03
UNBC Participates in Global Management Exchange 7-May-03
Tender Released for Northern Health Sciences Centre 5-May-03
Founding Board Selected for Northern Medical Programs Trust 5-May-03
Duke Energy Invests $500,000 in the Northern Medical Program 1-May-03
UNBC Receives Proposals for Offshore Oil and Gas Research 30-April-03
Duke Energy To Make Significant Contribution to the Northern Medical Program 29-April-03
BC Historical Federation to Meet at UNBC 29-April-03
UNBC Hosts Info Sessions in Vanderhoof, Burns Lake, Smithers, and Terrace 23-April-03
FMC Establishes Student Awards in Environmental Engineering to Mark Company Milestone 15-April-03
UNBC Faculty Attract Federal Research Funding 14-April-03
Board Approves Budget, Tuition Fees 5-April-03
Genome BC Researcher Presents Information on Atlantic Salmon Project 2-April-03
Audrey McLaughlin to Receive Honorary Degree from UNBC 27-Mar-03
First Contract Awarded for UNBC Expansion 21-Mar-03
UNBC Hosts Geography Conference 11-Mar-03
UNBC Writer's Fest 5-Mar-03
UNBC Seeks Initial Bids for New Construction Projects 4-Mar-03
UNBC Class Works in Northern BC Community to Study Air Circulation 18-Feb-03
UNBC hosts national climate change workshop 12-Feb-03
The Effects of Climate Change on Northern and Western Forests: UNBC hosts a national conference 11-Feb-03
UNBC Day open house this weekend 6-Feb-03
UNBC Builds Northern Links through the University of the Arctic 4-Feb-03
UNBC To Study Welfare of Threatened Animals 28-Jan-03
Big Forestry Conference Starts Tomorrow 21-Jan-03
The North Generates Most of BC's Wealth: David Baxter Can Prove It 15-Jan-03
UNBC Student to attend World University Games 09-Jan-03
UNBC to Hold Climate Change Panel with Environment Minister David Anderson 07-Jan-03

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