Experts Directory
Need an expert for your story? UNBC has hundreds of experts in areas as diverse as environmental engineering, biochemistry, business, physics, and the arts, all with a perspective unique to northern BC. Visit our online experts directory or contact us for assistance.
High-Resolution Images
Since September of 2002, all photos taken by Communications and Marketing have been shot and catalogued digitally. We have more than 50,000 high-resolution digital photographs available for use by the media. Please contact us for a high-resolution image.
All photographs on this website are the property of UNBC. By using any UNBC photo, you agree to our photography terms and conditions.
News Conference Locations
The Prince George campus provides several excellent facilities for media events. Most locations feature natural light, spectacular architecture, excellent power availability, on-campus audio-visual services, live television transmission capabilities, and food and beverage provision. If you are planning on visiting campus to work on a story, please notify us.
Contact Us
Contact Communications and Marketing for more information.