UNBC Seeks Nominations For Next
October 20, 2003 For Immediate Release
The University of Northern British Columbia is seeking nominations to replace George Pedersen as the University's Chancellor.

Dr Pedersen's second, three-year term as Chancellor will end in the Spring, and he is not eligible to stand for a third term. The University, therefore, is now accepting nominations for the position. The Chancellor is the ceremonial head of the University, conferring all degrees, acting as a senior representative of the University, and distinguishing the University by his/her reputation as an outstanding leader in British Columbia and in Canada. The Chancellor is also a member of both the UNBC Board of Governors and Senate. It is an honorary and unpaid position.
"UNBC has benefited enormously from its first two chancellors - Iona Campagnolo and George Pedersen - whose national standing has contributed to the development of this university and who have worked tirelessly to promote UNBC across Canada," says UNBC President Charles Jago.
Nominations for the position of Chancellor must be received in writing by the University Registrar no later than Monday, November 17, 2003. It should include the following:
- name, address, phone number, title, and biographical information of the nominee
- the names and signatures of seven members of the UNBC Convocation supporting the nominee
According to legislation, the members of the UNBC Convocation are the Chancellor, President, members of the Senate, all faculty, and UNBC graduates, and some founders who were added to the Convocation Roll by the University's Interim Governing Council. For more information on eligibility and the nomination process, contact the Registrar at 250-960-6335.
The nomination form can be accessed online at www.unbc.ca/governance/senate.