Use the search fields and filters below to find profiles for faculty and staff at UNBC.


Gai, Dr. Chunyi

Assistant Professor

Research and Expertise

Galang, Racquel

Student Success Coordinator

Gallant, Angela

Manager, Future Students Office

Gantner, Dr. Nikolaus

Adjunct Professor, Environmental Science

Garcia-Becerra, Dr. June

Assistant Professor

Research and Expertise

Ge, Xin

Associate Professor, Marketing

Gebert, Renata

Artwork Collections Coordinator

Gehloff, Maik

Senior Lab Instructor

Giles, Andrew

Senior Lab Instructor I (Term)

Gill, Harry

Maintenance Assistant

Gillingham, Dr. Michael

Professor Emeritus

Research and Expertise

Gingerich, Dr. Andrea

Associate Professor

Research and Expertise

Gobbi, Mindy

Interim Manager, Equity and Inclusion