Scholarly Communications

Are you considering publishing the results of your research? The UNBC Geoffrey R. Weller Library provides wide-ranging support for researchers looking to publish.  

Image of publication support services in the UNBC library

Please visit the UNBC Library Scholarly Communications web page for complete details.

San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment: The Government of Canada's research funding agencies, along with many other funding agencies and institutions around the world have signed the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA).  DORA aims "to improve the ways in which the output of scientific research is evaluated by funding agencies, academic institutions, and other parties." There are many ways to assess research impact and outcomes and researchers should aim to assess their research based on its own merits and they should not rely solely on journal publication and journal impact factors.

UNBC researchers who need scholarly communication support can contact Heather Empey, Collections and Acquisitions Librarian in the Geoffrey R. Weller Library at for assistance.