The purpose of Research the North is to help communicate and facilitate amazing research at UNBC by engaging with audiences about diverse research topics.
Hear inspiring stories from researchers, learn about research opportunities, and gain practical advice from fellow graduate students.
Topics are created for everyone! So feel free to contact the Research Ambassadors at to learn how to get involved, or to suggest new topics for the next podcast.

Episode 1: Introduction to the Research Ambassador Team (November 2019)
Featuring: Patrick Smith, Ann Duong, Laura Harvey, Kimberley Thomas, Hooi Xian Lee, Rachelle van Leuwen, and Rowan Paulsen
Episode 2: Getting into Graduate Studies (January 2020)
With graduate student Research Ambassadors: Host Patrick Smith (MSc student in Anthropology), Kimberley Thomas (MSc student in Health Sciences, and Hooi Xian Lee (PhD student in Health Sciences)
Episode 3: Sources of Student Funding (February 2020)
Featuring: Amy Beyer, Office of Graduate Studies and Bethany Haffner, Awards and Financial Aid, with Host Patrick Smith
Episode 4: Taking Care of your Mental Health as Researchers (Delayed due to COVID-19)
Research the North podcasts were envisioned and created by the 2019/20 cohort of the UNBC Research Ambassadors.
For another UNBC research-related podcast, check out The Abstract.