Research Ethics & Safety: Biohazardous Materials

Any research or study conducted at UNBC facilities (including affiliated research facilities) or undertaken by persons connected to UNBC involving human subjects, animals or biohazardous materials must be reviewed and approved by the appropriate board or committee, in accordance with UNBC policy and procedures. All researchers are expected to familiarize themselves with UNBC policy and procedures relating to research ethics.

Biohazardous materials

Biohazardous materials include bacteria, viruses, plasmids, cell-lines, recombinant DNA, and/or primate body fluids, including blood.

Researchers who are proposing to use biohazardous materials or notifiable biological substances must obtain a permit before purchasing these items or commencing laboratory work.

Please refer to the links below.

UNBC Laboratory Safety

UNBC Field Safety

Biosafety Training and Manual

Biosafety Forms and Resources

Biosafety Standard Operating Procedures