Weekend Shadowing Experiences – Rural Medicine
What is it really like to practice medicine in a small town? Twice a year, Northern Medical Program students have the opportunity to find out first-hand as part of the Rural Shadowing Program.
This special initiative, funded through the Northern Medical Programs Trust (NMPT), enables students to spend a weekend, either in the spring or fall, with rural doctors to see what their around-the-clock life and work is like. The experience can include family medicine, in-patient care, emergency medicine and obstetrics. Communities include Mackenzie, Smithers (spring), Valemount, Vanderhoof and Williams Lake.
Students are asked to submit their applications during a call-out for participants in March and September through the NMP’s Student Affairs office.
Photo below: (L-R) Class of 2022's Jessica and Martin in Valemount, with local physician Dr. Godlewski, in October 2019.

First Nations Communities – Outreach Clinical Shadowing Experience
This shadowing experience opportunity was developed through a partnership between Carrier Sekani Family Services (CSFS), the Northern Medical Program and various Indigenous communities. Interested students join outreach community clinics (in northern B.C.), with funding support from the Northern Medical Programs Trust.
Coordinated through Dr. John Pawlovich, outreach family physician, and the CSFS primary care team, these week-long shadowing experiences seek to integrate learners into the clinics in a thoughtful and culturally appropriate manner.
Students travel and learn with an interdisciplinary team that can include family physicians, specialists, nurses, mental health and addictions workers, pharmacy, physiotherapy, and medical office assistants.
“With a little persistence, innovation, courage, and a lot of partnership, we are helping bring UBC medical students, family practice residents and many specialty residents to remote First Nations communities to learn something the general curriculum can’t teach them.” Dr. John Pawlovich
NMP students are asked to express their interest in participating response to calls for opportunities each May from Dr. Sarah Gray, NMP Assistant Dean, Curriculum.

First Nations Communities – Cultural Learning and Immersion
The First Nations Community Education Program gives students an opportunity to experience First Nations’ well-being in northern B.C. This program is supported through the First Nations Health Authority, Northern Health, the Health Arts Research Centre and the Northern Medical Program.