Daajing Giids
Daajing Giids is a community set between the sea and mountains on the south end of Graham Island, which is the largest island of Haida Gwaii. Daajing Giids is on the traditional territory of the Haida Nation.
Haida Gwaii is an archipelago of over 150 islands, separated from the mainland of BC by 100 kms of ocean known as the Hecate Strait. Haida Gwaii has a strong Indigenous culture and the Haida Nation have recently settled a significant land title agreement with the province of BC.
Xaayda Gwaay Ngaaysdll Naay (Haida Gwaii Hospital and Health Centre) serves a population of about 3000 residing in the communities of Daajing Giids, HlGaagilda (Skidegate), K’il Kun (Sandspit) and Tll.aal (Tlell).
Note -- If you are interested in training on Haida Gwaii, please ensure you watch this Cultural Safety video.