Food & Drinks

The library permits food and drink, within reason, to be consumed at study tables and carrels only. Library staff reserve the right to determine what is acceptable food and drink within the library. At no time should food or drink be located in or near the book stacks, computer workstations, microform readers/printers or other types of equipment. As well, food and drinks are not allowed in the Instruction Lab or Maps area.

Food and Drink that is considered acceptable:

  • Drinks that have secured lids.
  • Snack foods and cold sandwiches that do not disturb those around you.

NOTE: library staff will respond to complaints from other patrons regarding disruptive food consumption.

Food and Drink that is not acceptable:

  • No open drink containers (BAM) or cafeteria dishes.
  • No hot food items, delivery food, pizza, hamburgers, fries that should normally be consumed in a cafeteria environment.
  • No food items that are known to cause severe allergic reactions.


  • Hot food tends to be messy. Oils, sauces, etc. can damage library property.
  • Hot food tends to produce odors that disturb others.
  • Food debris may damage library property and may attract rodents and insects.
  • Full meals tend to produce more garbage and more mess.
  • A cafeteria or food court atmosphere is not conducive to study and learning.

Please Be Considerate

Use appropriate trash receptacles for cleaning up after yourself.