Canadian University Graduate Transfer Agreement (CUGTA)

Information for Visiting Students

This information is for students visiting UNBC. The process for a CUGTA request for current UNBC students to visit another university can be found here.


The CUGTA Agreement provides students in good standing enrolled in a graduate degree or diploma program at a CAGS member university the opportunity to avail themselves of courses offered at another member institution (host) for transfer credit to the program at their institution (home).

The definition of “home” is the institution in which the student applicant is enrolled and is expected to provide the graduate degree or diploma. The “host” is defined as the institution at which course credits can be obtained that can be counted toward a degree or diploma at the home institution.

Application Process and Deadline

Students applying to take advantage of this Agreement are not be required to go through the normal application process associated with being accepted as a transfer student. Instead, students complete the CUGTA Agreement Form and submit it to Forms must be received in our office no later than 6 weeks prior to the start of the semester.


  • A student applying for consideration under this Agreement must be in good standing at the home institution.
  • The home institutions must hold membership in CAGS.
  • Courses applied for must be deemed integral to the student’s program by the home institution.
  • The Agreement applies only to graduate level courses.
  • The number of courses taken under this Agreement can be limited by the number of courses allowed for transfer credit at the home institution.
  • Special topic or independent studies courses involving a single individual will normally not be available to applicants under this Agreement.
  • Where course limits are in effect, UNBC may give priority to its own students with students applying under the Agreement being offered spaces in classes only where excess capacity allows.
  • Previous acceptance of an application under this Agreement does not imply subsequent approval of such a request by either the home or host institution.
  • Incomplete applications will not be accepted. All of the identifying information about the applicant requested must be provided, the proposed course and timing for enrolling in it need to be defined, and the appropriate authorizing signatures must be included.
  • Students taking advantage of this Agreement would not be eligible for any form of financial support from UNBC.

Students covered by the Agreement will pay tuition for the course concerned and applicable incidental fees at UNBC. Any costs associated with this Agreement are the responsibility of the student (tuition and related fees, living expenses, travel, etc.)


Following completion of the course (whether successful, withdrawal, or unsuccessful), it is the student’s responsibility to arrange for the provision of a transcript to the home university, paying fees currently in effect for that service at UNBC.