Transitioning to post-secondary

Students with disabilities who are new to university should be aware that access and accommodations provided at post-secondary could differ from services received at high school.

Some key differences students entering post-secondary should be aware of are:

  1. Students with disabilities need to self-identify to the Access Resource Centre (ARC) if they wish to receive disability-related services.
  2. Students are encouraged to discuss accommodations with Instructors; however, they are not required to disclose their disability to Instructors.
  3. Students are expected to be capable of independent learning and pursue their studies with the same diligence required of all students.
  4. Accommodations and services available in higher education are meant to provide students with disabilities with reasonable access to post-secondary education.
  5. While the University will strive to provide reasonable and appropriate accommodations, students will be responsible for meeting essential course and program requirements.
  6. If a student would like to authorize parents or other family members to have access to information, they will need to provide ARC with written consent. Consent to obtain and release information will be governed by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, the University's Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Policy and the Access and Accommodation Policy for Students with Disabilities.

Wellness Centre Consent Form

Differences Between Highschool and University

Please refer to the Transition Resource Guide put together by the Regional Assessment and Resource Centre (RARC) out of Ontario that has lots of helpful information.