Information for instructors

Faculty FAQ

You can now upload tests directly to ARC for students who require accommodations. Click on the exam portal button below to check it out.

Instructor Test and Exam Portal

Guidelines for academic accommodations

The provision of access and accommodation for students with disabilities is a shared responsibility among students, faculty, staff and administration. Instructors play a vital role in the accommodation process for students with disabilities at UNBC.

  • Instructors are encouraged to meet with students with disabilities so that they can review the format of their course, including evaluation methods and lab components, to determine individualized solutions to potential access matters. If questions arise about appropriate accommodation(s) within your learning environment, please seek consultation from Access Resource Centre staff. 
  • Information regarding disability is strictly confidential and students do not need to disclose their disability to their Instructors.
  • For students who identify as a student with a disability but have not registered with the ARC, please refer them to our office.

    Common academic accommodations

    • Alternate format to print (i.e. electronic formats of course outlines, exams or any other print or visually presented course-related materials)

      Accommodations must be tailored to the access needs of each student and the specific situation, as the essence of fairly accommodating students with disabilities is individualization. There is no perfect formula for alleviating all the barriers confronting people with disabilities; however, considering each student's disability-related needs as unique will assist in providing an atmosphere that is conducive to personal and educational growth. Please review the Instructor's Handbook listed below for more specific information regarding accommodating students with disabilities.

      Exam accommodation procedures

      • Students registered with ARC for exam accommodations must book each midterm or exam through the ARC online booking system to request exam accommodations.
      • The deadlines for booking are 5 business days prior to the scheduled quiz/midterm date and at least 10 business days prior to the first day of the exam period.
      • Once the student has booked the exam, instructors will receive an automatic email confirming that the student has booked. The instructor will receive a four and two day email reminder to adjust the online exam parameters for the accommodated student. The instructor can request ARC representatives to enter the exam accommodations on their behalf up to 2 business days before the test or exam.