What we do

The Academic Success Centre offers a variety of face-to-face and drop-in tutoring services, including online support. In addition, we provide peer-led learning programs such as Peer-Assisted Study Sessions (PASS).  To ensure quality service in all learning environments all of our tutors and peer leaders receive on-going certified training.

All of the Academic Success Centre services are absolutely free to UNBC students.

Where to find us

The Academic Success Centre is located in the Learning Commons on the first floor of the Library.

Appointment booking

Call us at 250-960-6367 for appointment booking options, email asc@unbc.ca, or visit us in room 5-139G in the Learning Commons. You can also use the booking form to request an appointment.


Our tutoring is available for both on campus and virtual methods. When you call to book an appointment you can request the option that is most comfortable for you. If you choose a virtual appointment, you will be given a link to the video room to meet with the tutor after you book an online appointment with us. All in-person appointments will take place in the ASC tutoring rooms in the Learning Commons.

Asynchronous writing tutoring is always facilitated via our online tutoring platform.

Online resources

We encourage students to take advantage of our online resources as well. See the menu on the left for handouts.

Invigilation services are no longer being offered for non-UNBC students.

Sorry for the inconvenience.