External exams

Invigilation services

The Academic Success Centre provides invigilation services for students of other institutions (e.g., Athabasca University and Thompson Rivers University) and professional organizations for a fee of $55 per exam.

We have limited room available and the day of the week that invigilation is available may be restricted due to staff and space availability - please book the room with us to ensure we are able to accommodate your exam before informing your institution that you would like to write it here.

Note: the ASC often cannot invigilate any exams near the end of August or the majority of the month of September, due to orientation planning and activities.

Information for examinees

Review the map of UNBC to find the location of the ASC on the first floor of the library.

UNBC is a pay parking campus.  Please ensure you you use the parking kiosks to avoid getting a ticket.

Exams that are not supported by the ASC:

  • Large group exams (e.g., LSAT, DAT).
  • Exams outside of business hours.
  • Exams for UNBC classes.
    • Instructors seeking invigilation services should contact their program assistant or program Chair.

The College of New Caledonia (250-561-5837) has a testing centre that may be able to provide invigilation services.