Asynchronous Writing Tutoring

This service allows a student to upload a paper directly to the ASC writing tutors in order to receive feedback on their writing. Asynchronous Writing tutoring is available for free to UNBC students.

We provide constructive feedback about your writing, but we cannot help with course content and will not make any predictions about the grade you may receive. The amount of time that a tutor can devote to your paper is equal to the amount of time spent in a face-to-face appointment: thirty minutes to one hour.  Therefore, depending on the length and complexity of your paper, the tutor may not be able to provide feedback on the entire document.

To receive asynchronous writing tutoring, you must self-enroll in our Moodle shell by clicking on this link:

Once self-enrolled, you will see the ASC Writing Tutoring as a course when you log into

If you have difficulty with this link, contact for access.  Include your UNBC ID so that we can manually enroll you.

Tutors will spend up to 60 minutes per submission. Submissions will be reviewed in the order that they are received. Please note that while we try to provide feedback within 48 hours, it could take longer during times of high volume.