The UNBC Campus Master Plan is a framework for decision-making about development on campus, with a planning horizon to the year 2040. This plan helps shape the evolution of campus and create a physical manifestation of the aspirations of the campus community.

While the vision and objectives apply to UNBC in its entirety, the design directives and frameworks apply specifically to the Prince George campus. The UNBC Campus Master Plan: Destination 2040, adopted by the UNBC Board of Governors in May 2019, articulates this vision for the future of UNBC and represents the hundreds of comments, ideas and challenges raised by the campus community throughout the planning process in 2018.

UNBC has grown significantly since the University first started accepting students. What started as a campus land reserve of 754 acres has now almost doubled in size. Today the Prince George campus is made up of 1,400 acres of land and 16 buildings that host the 4,000+ students, faculty and staff that constitute the campus community.
Related to the UNBC Campus Master Plan, the UNBC Land Trust is a transformative development of UNBC land in excess to academic needs that focuses on sustainability, reputation and strategic investments for UNBC.
UNBC Campus Master Plan: Destination 2040 responds to UNBC’s strategic priorities and sets forth direction for built form, open space, and mobility on campus. It also prioritizes leadership in wellness and sustainability. The Campus Master Plan is directive while providing enough flexibility to respond to emerging issues, goals and aspirations.
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