Doing/Being Social Work/ed. This is a collection of poetry and prose about the profession of social work and my almost thirty year relationship with it. These creative pieces articulate the ambiguity, complexity, contradictions and vexations of a profession which exists in some ways to just clean up the factored in costs and casualties of capitalism, patriarchy and conservative religious assumptions.
Red, Turquoise, Gram/p. Si Transken. Expected publication date: 2012. This is a chapbook summarizing how relationships with grandparents can fortify us and celebrating the accomplishments and strengths of some segments of the blue collar/working class community. Hopefully this will be published by the John Howard Society and the UNBC Press.
Un/complicated play/ers. Si Transken, Lynn Box and Joanna Pierce, Editors. Expected publication date: 2012. We have received contributions from 30 outsider/marginalized people about what they've had to resist in regards to their arts, crafts, performance work and other creative endeavors. Who has tried to inhibit them? Where have they met barriers? This book will display poems, stories, rants, pictures - any format on any type of creative 'bliss' that people have sought/found/savored/celebrated. Some of our contributors include Rob Budde, Lynda Williams, Ken Belford, Jacqueline Hoeskstra and Jacqueline Baldwin.
Poeming Familial Dis/connections. Si Transken. This is a book of commentary, prose, poetry, and essays which are emerging out of my experiences as a practitioner, teacher, and community activist. I intend to submit it for publication to Sumach Press. Approximately 130 pages already accomplished. The first draft has already been edited by Dr. Rob Budde from our UNBC English Program.
Pedagogy of the So Stressed. Si Transken. This is a book of commentary, prose, poetry, and essays which are emerging out of my experiences as a student, academic, and member of various communities of organic intellectuals. I intend to submit it for publication to Sumach Press. Approximately 130 pages already accomplished. The first draft has already been edited by Dr. Rob Budde from our UNBC English Program.