(a) Journals
Transken, S. (2008). White bush trash. Qualitative Inquiry. Sage Publications. 15:8.
Transken, S. (2008). Squish-sick in/from ambiguities and contradictions. Resources for Feminist
Research. Special Edition on Women Faculty in Academia. 10 pages.
Transken, S. (2008). Nothing Extra. Cultural Studies ←→ Critical Methodologies. Volume 8, February,
Transken, S. (2007). Re/Searching with art/ists: Praxis, practice, and social justice.
Open Letter (Special edition on Artistic Inquiry). Ed. Frank Davey, Rachel Nash, Will
Garrett-Petts, Thompson Rivers University.
Transken, S. (2006) 2 poems. Treeline. (an e-poetry journal based out of Northern College)
Transken, S. (2005). Meaning making and methodological explorations: Bringing knowledge from BC’s First Nations women poets into social work classrooms. Cultural Studies <–> Critical Methodology, 5(1): 3–29.
Transken, S. (2004). Eight poems. Capilano Review Literary Journal, Series 2, No. 42: 88- 97.
Transken, S. (2004). Dancing with diverse diversities: Creativity and rural social work professing in
small/ rural communities. Rural Social Work Journal, vol. 9, December: pp. 118-128.
Transken, S. (2002). Poetically teaching/doing social work. Critical Social Work, 2(2): 32 – 68. http://CriticalSocialWork.com.
Transken, S. (1998). Organizational activists and immigrant women’s groups: From drowning to swimming to graceful river rafting. Refugee, spring: 10–31.
Transken, S. (1997). The doors are shut and the organizations closed: Notes exploring how this story unfolded. Atlantis, 21(2): 62–72.
Transken, S. (1995). Reclaiming body territory. Feminist Perspectives, 25: 1–35.
Acker, S., Hill, T., Black, E., & Transken, S. (1995). Research students in education and psychology: Diversity and empowerment. International Studies in the Sociology of Education, 4 (2): 229–251.
Transken, S. (1994). Dwarfed wolves stealing scraps from the masters’ tables. Alternate Routes,
Vol. 11: 31–63.
Transken, S. (1994). Northern snow storms survivors. (Poem). Canadian Women’s Studies, 14(4): 111.

(b) Conference Proceedings
Transken, S. (1997). Personal, professional and political roles: Struggling with empowerment and burnout. In D. Hearne (Ed.), Equity and Justice (pp.31–40). Montreal: Université du Québec à Montréal.
(c) Book Chapters
Transken, S. 2011. Two poems in a book being published by TRU/New Star Press. Editor: Will
Tranksen, S. 2011. Ten poems under consideration for a book being published by Mothertongue
Press. Editors: Mona Fertig and Susan Musgrave.
Transken, S. 2010. Moody ghosts and skeletons still kicking around! In: Skeletons in family closets: A
sociological analysis of narrations of unresolved family conflicts. Editors: Alysan Sev'er and Jan
Trost. Forthercoming by Wilfred Laurier Press.
Transken, S. 2008. Chronically doing the impossible, adequately and creatively. In: Whose University
is it anyway? Editors: Anne Wagner, Sandra Acker, and Kimine Mayuzumi. Toronto: Sumach Press.
Transken, S. (2005). Creativity, cultural studies, and potentially fun ways to design and produce auto/biographical material from subalterns’ locations. In J. Rak (Ed.), Auto/biography in Canada (pp.145-171). Waterloo, ON: Wilfred Laurier University Press.
Transken, S. (2002). Expressive arts for political purposes and processes. In M. Eichler, S. Neysmith, & J. Larkin (Eds.), Feminist utopias: Re-visioning our futures (pp. 213–233). Toronto: Inanna Publications.
Transken, S. (2000). How budget cutbacks to services for sexual assault victims are dissolving, dividing, and distressing. In D. Gustafson (Ed.), Care and Consequences (pp. 127–154). Halifax, NS: Fernwood Press.
Transken, S. (1994). Women across cultures: A case study in cross-cultural feminist adult education in Northern Ontario. In Feminism and education: A Canadian perspective II (pp. 43–61). Toronto:
Centre for Women’s Studies in Education.

(a) Journals
Transken, S. (2008). Three poems in Women's Health and Urban Life: An interdisciplinary journal.
Vol. 7, Issue 2 (December).
Transken, S. (2005). The meanings and healings that can emerge from writing to ancestral women
(Or: What I’ve learned since I adopted Emma Goldman as my ancestral grand mother…). The
Association for Bibliotherapy and Applied Literature home page. http://laurentian.ca/abal/Call2005.
Transken, S. (2005). An interview with Jackie Baldwin: A conversation about creativity, compassion, courage, and community. Reflections on Water, 6(1).
Transken, S. (2005). Caution: A parody. The Association for Bibliotherapy and Applied Literature
home page. http://laurentian.ca/abal/Call2005.
Transken, S. (2004). The messies and multiplicities of teaching and learning in northern BC. Reflections on Water, 5(1).
Transken, S. (2002). How ordinary the ordering. (Poem). Perspectives, Winter, p. 17.
(b) Conference Proceedings
Leblanc, S. & Transken, S. (Ed.) (2005). Conversations with Bridget Moran: Conference papers from the event organized by the Bridget Moran conference committee. Prince George, BC: UNBC Press.
Transken, S. (2004). Interdisciplinarity, or: how to sometimes have fun while you exhaust yourself and disappoint, alienate, or piss off people. Paper given at the Canadian Association for Studies
of Women in Higher Education’s conference Sexism in the academy? Ten years later. University
of Winnipeg, June 2, 2004.
Transken, S. (2001). The stones, roses, gold, and fires of reclaimed territory. Paper presented at the Caring Communities Conference of the Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women and Laurentian University, Ottawa/Sudbury, ON.
Transken, S. (1998). Of/with, closer/further and dis/connected: Reflecting on self, feminist qualitative research, and long-term overlapping relationships. Paper presented at the Fifteenth Annual
International Qualitative Research Conference, Social Life Analysis and Interpretation in Qualitative Research. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto/ Ontario Institute for Studies in Education.

(c ) Other
Transken, S, Serena Black, Scott Green, Sarah Boyd, Zoe Melatis. (2012). Report on the Social
Garden project. Phase one. Presented to the collective group of community members who
participated. This draft document will be upscaled to scholarly publications in 2012.
Transken, S., Vie Bouillon and Sarah Boyd. (2011). Report on the UNBC women's herstory project.
This report summarized the involvement of various volunteers and employees of the Northern
Women's Centre since its beginning. An art project was also constructed which is on permanent
display in the Northern Women's Centre.
Teresa Healy and the Women's Treatment Recovery Forum / Hutla Lake Board. July 2011. 20 page
report of recommendations that have emerged from our collective research and a special one-day
forum which had 80 professionals and activists participate in helping to play options for this
women's recovery site.
Transken, S and Vie Bouillon. (2009). A report on women's struggles around custody issues.
Presented to the Northern Women's Centre. Distributed to a variety of northern women's
organizations. 8 pages. (based on interviews and participant observations/consults with other
service providers).
Transken, S and Lacey Strader. (2008). A report on homefullness for the Northern Women's Centre.
Distributed to a variety of northern women's organizations. 14 pages (based on 12 interviews and a
year of participant observations / consults with other service providers).
Transken, S. 2 poems. (2008). GIAA UNBC Writers Anthology. UNBC Press. Justin Foster, Ed.
Transken, S. (2007). Mourning & Organizing. (100 copies of this chapbook were produced and
distributed to activists across BC). Prince George: UNBC's Women's Centre (for the December 6th
Mourning Ceremonies). 24 pages.
Transken, S. (2007). Protest Prep 101 (poem). Prince George New Hope Society’s The Goddess
Gazette. Vol. 2, issue 3, Winter.
Transken, S. (forthcoming) Nothing Extra (2 page poem). The Bulletin. Canadian Association of University Teachers newsletter.
Transken, S. (2006) Shapes. (a poem) Prince George New Hope Society’s The Goddess Gazette. Vol. 1, issue 3, Winter, p. 3
Wintemute, K. (2006). Ed. Si Transken & Shelly LeBreton. Mobilizing from strength: Speaking with their own voices. A Report on initiatives to improve women’s health in northern British Columbia.
Northern Women’s Wellness and Information Centre/ Vancouver Foundation. 77 pages.
Transken, S. (2006). 3 poems. Highway of Tears. Ed. Christal Capostinsky and Theresa Healy. Prince George: New Hope Society.
Transken, S. (2006). Shapes. (poem) New Hope Society’s Newsletter, Goddess Gazette. Prince
George. November issue.
Transken, S. (2005). One poem. In D. Gustafson (Ed.), Un/Mothering pp. 117-119. Binghampton,
NY: Harworth Press.
Transken, S. (2003). Three poems. Azure: dis Course less. Prince George, BC: University of Northern British Columbia English Department.
Transken, S. (2003). Three poems. Reflections on Water, 4(1).
Transken, S. (2001). Six poems. Reflections on Water, 2(2).
Transken, S. (2001). We witness. (Poem). Fictionopolis press (Anthology of world poetry organized by representatives of the UN on the theme of peace and social action).
Transken, S. (1998). A feminist anti-racist grassroots organization in Northern Ontario: A case study of doing the undoable somewhat well. PhD thesis: University Of Toronto/O.I.S.E.
Transken, S. (1996). Who are these women taking the night and what do these women want known about themselves? Sudbury, ON: Sudbury General Hospital/Sudbury Sexual Assault Crisis Centre/Take Back The Night Organizing Committee.
Transken, S. (1995). A sexual assault treatment program: Responding rapidly and holistically to victims. Sudbury, ON: Sudbury General Hospital.
Transken, S. (1993). Working-class women’s friendships within Northern Ontario’s First Nations,
Italian-Canadian, and white anglophone communities. MA thesis: O.I.S.E.
Transken, S. (1993). Reclaiming my stolen body through testimony and bearing witness. Women’s Recovery Network Magazine.
Transken, S. (1988). Family traditions. (Poem). Breaking the Silence. Ottawa, ON: Breaking the Silence Collective. Newspaper.
Transken, S. (1987). The homeworkers’ consciousness. (Poem). Canadian Dimension, 21(2): 28.

Transken, S. and Dahne Harding. (2009). Shells, Shelves, Shelters, Sheltering... Prince George:
Trans / formative services. 34 pages. Chapbook: 200 produced and distributed.
Transken, S. (2009) Being / Doing Social Work / ed Prince George: Trans / formative services. 30
pages. Chapbook: 200 produced and distributed.
Transken, S. (2007) Homeless clowns: Social work with victims of abuse. Prince George: UNBC
Press and the UNBC Women’s Centre. 53 pages.
Transken, S. (2006). Un/ ruled performances. A chapbook. Trans/formative Services: Prince George. 79 pages. (Winner of the 2007 McKinnen Chapbook Award)
Transken, S. (2006). Don’t get even. Get odd! A chapbook. Trans/formative Services: Prince George.. 52 pages.
(b) Edited Books
Transken, S. and Lynn Box (Ed.) (2013). Un/complicated Play/ers. Prince George: UNBC Press and
the UNBC Women's Centre. Will have contributions from over 30 BC activists and scholars. 200
pages (apx).
Transken, S. (Ed.) (2007). Creatively responding to in/visible dis/abilities. Making noise: Northern women’s caring and in/visible dis/abilities. Ed. S. Transken and Lynn Box. Prince George: UNBC
Press and the UNBC Women’s Centre. 210 pages.
Transken, S. (Ed.). (2003). This ain’t your patriarch’s poetry book: Candles; comrades; connections. Prince George, BC: Transformative Collectives/ PressForward Publishers.
Transken, S. (Ed.). (2002). Outlaw social work (the unsecret poems and stories). Prince George, BC: Transformative Collectives.
Transken, S. (Ed.). (2001). Groping beyond grief. Prince George, BC: Transformative Collectives.
Transken, S. (Ed.). (2000). Stress (full) sister (hood). Prince George, BC: Transformative Collectives.
Transken, S. Co-Editor/facilitator. (2000). Battle chant. Sudbury, ON: Battle Chant Ink.

(c) Chapters
Transken, S. (2012) This Ain't Emily Carr's or bell hooks' haunt! Prince George Reader. Edited by
Rob Budde, Brian Faucette, Barry McKinnon. Caitlin Press. 10 pages of creative writing pieces.
(proposal under consideration).
Transken, S. (2011). Soursweet fights for fun. Un/complicated Play/ers. Transken, S. and Lynn Box
(Ed.) Prince George: UNBC Press and the UNBC Women's Centre. 10 pages (apx).
Transken, S. (2010) Aside from asphyxiation and desperation - all's well! Unfurled. Edited by Debra
Healy. Caitlin Press. 4 pages of creative writing.
Transken, S. (2007) At various times in her life… In S. Transken and Lynn Box (Ed.) Making
Noise: Northern women, caring, and in/visible dis/abilities. Prince George: UNBC Press and the UNBC Women’s Centre. (pp. 61-74)
Transken, S. (2004) Creativity, cultural studies, and potentially fun ways to design and
produce pedagogical resources, propaganda, and pride-fullness. In S. Transken (Ed.),
Reflections on Water, Special Issue on Northern Elements of Teaching: The messies and
multiplicities of teaching and learning in northern British Columbia. https://www.unbc.ca/centre-for-teaching-and-learning.
Transken, S. (2003). Seven poems. In S. Transken (Ed.), This ain’t your patriarch’s poetry book: Candles; comrades; connections. (pp. 81–96). Prince George, BC: Transformative Collectives/ PressForward Publishers.
Transken, S. (2002). Thirty-nine poems. In S. Transken (Ed.), Outlaw Social Work (the unsecret poems and stories) (pp.38–84). Prince George, BC: Transformative Collectives.
Transken, S. (2001). Twenty-eight poems. In S. Transken (Ed.), Groping Beyond Grief (pp. 50–77). Prince George, BC: Transformative Collectives.
Transken, S. (2000). Fifteen poems. In S. Transken (Ed.), Stress (Full) Sister (Hood) (pp. 46–65). Prince George, BC: Transformative Collectives.
Transken, S. (2000). Six poems. In S. Transken (Ed.), Battle Chant (pp. 31–38). Sudbury, ON: Battle Chant Ink.