Si teaches a variety of Social Work and Women's Studies courses each academic year. Below is a list of some of the courses she has taught in the past, along with some samples of class outlines.
If you have any questions about current or upcoming course offerings please contact Si at si@unbc.ca
Si also facilitates youth art workshops as part of the UNBC Youth Writing Camp, organized by Rob Budde. The writing camp allows students to explore their creative abilities, and the art workshop adds in another medium for the students to express themselves.
GNDR 698/WMST 498 - Autoethnography and Arts Based Research
GNDR 609/409: Advanced Feminist Research Methods
The goal of this course is twofold; first to cover current debates in feminist methodology and second to develop appropriate research strategies for an independent research project.
GNDR 698/WMST 498 - Cultural Studies
SOCW 200/630 - Social Work Communication Skills
SOCW 301 - Critical Social Work Practice
This course critically examines the historical origins, values, methods and applications of various social work practice approaches. With an emphasis on structural, feminist, and First Nations social work strategies, the focus includes the application of these approaches to women, minority groups, First Nations, and residents of northern and remote communities. These will be contrasted with other models of social work practice including general systems theory, ecological theory and case management.
SOCW 302 - Social Work Field Education
SOCW 442 - Social Work with Victims of Abuse
SOCW 450 - Social Work and Family Practice
SOCW 603 - Women: Policy/Practice Issues
Women and Human Services: Critical Issues in Policy and Practice explores the historical nature of the role of women and women's struggles in Canada with particular focus on the role of women in northern, remote and First Nation communities. The exploration also includes a review of feminist perspectives and the meaning and application of feminist practice for social work in the areas of policy, research, counselling and direct service. The course draws on interdisciplinary knowledge and will provide the opportunity to analyze and debate the social and political forces which have shaped the condition of women in social work in particular and in human services generally. While gender relations are the focus, they will be analyzed as they intersect with race, class, ability, sexual orientation, aging, and so on.
SOCW 604 - Creativity in Social Work with Women Who Hurt Themselves
SOCW 605 - Elder Law, Policy and Rights
SOCW 631 - Clinical Social Work Practice
This course critically examines the historical origins, values, methods and applications of various social work practice approaches. with an emphasis on structural, feminist, and First Nations social work strategies, the focus includes the application of these approaches to women, minority groups, First Nations, and residents of northern and remote communities. These will be contrasted with the other models of social work practice including general systems theory, ecological theory, and case management.
SOCW/GNDR 700 - MSW/Gender Studies Thesis
Students taking this route will register for a thesis leading to a written report of high academic quality that demonstrates mastery of the field specified and an ability to undertake research. The thesis may be based on research about models of advanced practice, policy and/or evaluation in the thematic areas of the MSW program.
SOCW 704 -MSW Integrative Seminar

Please note: Si feels very stressed when she marks because she wants all the students to feel respected, smart and valued -- but someone has to be ranked at the top and someone will be at the bottom. This is how patriarchal capitalist rules of order flow through, around, under and over us. Thus, she binge eats. This is a photo of her at the end of marking for last semester.