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Deck, Tracy

Senior Human Resources Partner, Faculty Relations

Den Duyf, Dakota

Career Readiness Coordinator

Denis, Bruce

Campus Development Liaison and Operations Manager

Deo, Dr. Balbinder

Associate Professor

Research and Expertise

Deveau, Brad

Restorative Relations and Student Supports Coordinator

DeWiel, Dr. Boris

Acting Chair, Anthropology
Associate Professor, Political Science

Research and Expertise

Dockray, Jacqueline

Research Project Officer, Natural Sciences

Dodenberg, Heidi

Senior Lab Instructor II

Research and Expertise

Doherty, Kassi

Administrative Assistant, MBA Program

Dovey, Philip

Senior Lab Instructor

Research and Expertise

Duchesne, Dr. Annie

Associate Professor (on sabbatical)

Dumont, Vaunda

Library Services Supervisor