Dr. David Connell

Connell, Dr. David

Associate Professor, RPP MCIP

Prince George

Research and Expertise

Dr. Connell's primary area of research is agricultural land use planning to protect farmland. Other interests and current research cover four areas: local food systems (community and economic benefits of farmers markets, strategic business planning, food hubs); plan evaluation (strength of policy focus); community (intentional communities, e.g. co-housing, eco-villages, and communal societies); and the social theory of Niklas Luhmann (community theory, planning theory).

Areas of Expertise
Agricultural land use planning, farmland protection, local food systems, community; Luhmann social theory
Languages Spoken
  • English
Currently accepting graduate students
Supervises In
PhD NRES, MA NRES Environmental Studies, MNRES
Available to be contacted by the media as a subject matter expert