Use the search fields and filters below to find profiles for faculty and staff at UNBC.


Buzas, Melody

Accounts Payable Officer (Surnames A to G)

Caban, Justine

International Student Recruiter - Undergraduate

Cale, Dr. Jonathan

Assistant Professor

Research and Expertise

Callaghan, Dr. Russ


Research and Expertise

Cameron, Kimberly

Year 4 Coordinator, NCBNP

Camp II, Ronald

Dean, Faculty of Business and Economics

Campana, Dr. Christine

Assistant Professor

Research and Expertise

Cantin, Valerie

Library Technical Assistant - Interlibrary Loans

Cardwell, Bev

Hiring & Scheduling Coordinator

Carter, Tracy

Assessment & Evaluation Coordinator – Years 3 & 4

Casperson, Dr. David

Associate Professor

Ceaser, Carla

Director, MBA Program

Research and Expertise

Chandra, Dr. Shruti

Assistant Professor

Research and Expertise

Charest, Coralee

Administrative Assistant, Northern Pathways to Healthcare/Community Engagement