Research Posters 2021

Research Week Poster presentations are going virtual!

Researchers have submitted their poster for viewing and will be speaking briefly about their posters on Friday March 5th, 2021, 11:00am - 12:00pm.

Zoom link:
Passcode: 545847

Stepping outside the burrow and into the expressway: road governance and the conflict between residential properties and conservation
Caitlin Jones, PhD candidate, Natural Resources and Environmental Studies—Geography

Chlorophyll-a response in lakes containing Mount Polley tailings deposits
Gabriel Lint, Natural Resources and Environmental Studies


Vibration Performance of Mechanically Laminated Timber Floors
Geng Li, BASc student, Environmental Engineering


Comparison for Impact Sound Insulation Efficiency of Floating Concrete Method and Discrete Floor System
Peter Zhao, MSc student in Natural Resources and Environmental Studies—Forestry

Survival How? Education for the Anthropocene
Dr. Alexander Lautensach, Adjunct Professor, Education

COVID-19 and University Students
Dr. Jason Morris, Lecturer, Political Science

Risk assessment of winter tick (Dermacentor albipictus) infestation on moose (Alces alces) in British Columbia
Benjamin Spitz, PhD candidate, Natural Resources and Environmental Studies

Developing a framework to quantify individual specialization in fish as a measure of climate change adaptation in the Arctic
Stephanie Chan, MSc student, Natural Resources and Environmental Studies