Faculty members in the Natural Resources and Environmental Studies graduate program accept students in one or more of the four degrees.
Program Coordinator
PhD (Duke University, 2007), MScPl (University of Toronto), BA (McGill University)
Zoë teaches ENVS 309 Gender and Environmental Studies. She is a member of the Geography Program.
PhD (Saskatchewan), MSc (IHE, Delft), BSc (UET, Lahore), PEng
Research and Expertise
MSc and PhD University of Calgary
Research and Expertise
PhD Forest Sciences (Lakehead University), MSc Forestry (Lakehead University)
PhD, MSc (University of Toronto), BEng (École Polytechnique de Montréal)
PhD (University of Calgary)
PhD, Forest Pathology and Mycology (State University of New York ESF)
PhD (University of Southern California), MEDes (University of Calgary), BES (University of Manitoba)
Associate Professor, RPP MCIP
PhD McMaster University
PhD (University of Saskatchewan)
PhD, Cultural Historical Geography (Queen's University at Kingston - 2007); MA, Interdisciplinary Studies - Geography and English (UNBC); BFA, Creative Writing (University of Victoria)
Research and Expertise
PhD (Uinversity of Manitoba), PhD (Punjab Agriculture University Ludhiana), MBA (HP University Simla), MSc-GNDU (Amritsar)
BSc, MSc (Atmospheric Science - York University), PhD (Atmospheric Science - McGill University)
PhD (University of Toronto), MASc (Universidade Federal do Parana), BASc (Universidade Federal do Parana), M.ASCE., P.Eng.
PhD (Queens University), MA (National University of Ireland - Galway), BA (University of British Columbia)
PhD, MSc, BSc
Research and Expertise
PEng, PhD, MBiotech (University of Toronto), BEng (Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico)
PhD (University of Calgary), MA (University of Waterloo), BA (University of Regina)
Research and Expertise
PhD University of Waterloo; MA University of Waterloo; HBSc Lakehead University
PhD, MA (Queen's University at Kingston, 1993), BA (University of British Columbia)
BAA (Ryerson University), MA, PhD (Queen's University at Kingston, 1998)
PhD Chemical Engineering (University of British Columbia), BEng, MEng Chemical Engineering (McGill University)
PhD (Simon Fraser University), BSc (University of Calgary)
PhD (University of Calgary), MSc (University of Leeds), BEng (Ahmadu Bello University), P. Eng
PhD, PEng
PhD, Natural Resources and Environmental Studies (UNBC)
PhD, BSc (honours) (University of British Columbia), FCMOS
BSc University of Victoria, PhD University of Northern BC
BSc, MSc, and PhD : Isfahan University, Iran; Postdoc: Western University (UWO), Canada
PhD (University of British Columbia)
PhD, PEng
PhD and MSc Universidade Estadual de Campinas
BA, MA (University of Colorado), PhD (University of British Columbia, 2002)
Mullins, Dr. Philip
PhD, MA, University of Alberta; BA, HBOR Lakehead University
PhD (McGill University), MA (University of Western Ontario)
PhD (McMaster University), MSc, BSc (University of Alberta)
PhD, MA (Queen's University at Kingston), BA Geography (University of Calgary)
PhD, MSc (Queen's University), BSc (University of British Columbia)
PhD (University of Exeter, UK), MSc (UBC), BSc (Coventry Polytechnic, UK)
MBChB, PhD (University of Otago, New Zealand), MAS (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)
PhD University of Guelph; MA University of Guelph; BA University of Northern British Columbia
PhD (McGill University, Biology, 1989), MSc (University of British Columbia, Physical Geography), BSc (Queen's University in Kingston, Physical Geography)
PhD (University of Toronto), MSc (Trent University), BSc (Hons) (Liverpool John Moores University)
PhD (University of Alberta), PEng
Ph. D. University of Alberta, Eng. L. EGBC
PhD (University of British Columbia - 2010), MSc (University of Calgary - 2004), BSc (McMaster University - 2001)
PEng, Dr.-Ing. (Technische Universitaet Kaiserslautern)
PhD Chemical Engineering (University of Sherbrooke, 1990), MSc Chemical Engineering (University of Saskatchewan, 1984), MASc Chemical Engineering (University of Bradford, 1980), BSc Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry (University of Botswana and Swaziland, 1978)
PhD, PEng
PhD University of Queensland, Australia
PhD (Queen's University), MA (University of Ottawa), BSc (University of Ottawa)
PhD, Geography (University of Victoria), MSc, Forestry (UNBC), RPF
Zheng, Dr. Wenbo
PhD (University of British Columbia), MEng, BEng (Tongji University, China), PEng (EGBC)
PhD, PEng