2024 DMS awards honour teaching and service excellence
Congratulations to each of our Division of Medical Sciences preceptors and team members on the awards they received from UBC Northern Medical Program and UBC Master of Physical Therapy - North students this spring!

MPT-N Clinical Skills Assistant (CSA) Vickie Laverdure together with the MPT-N Class of 2024, who recognized her with this year's CSA Award.

Northern Medical Program Awards
- Dr. Shannon King:
Clinical Preceptor Roche Award for Excellence in Teaching Clinical Skills (chosen by Year 1) - Dr. Caroline Dance:
Clinical Preceptor Roche Award for Excellence in Teaching Clinical Skills (chosen by Year 2) - Dr. Julia Wimmers-Klick:
First Impressions Award (chosen by Year 1). And! Lasting Impressions Award (chosen by Year 2) - Dr. Jaco Strydom:
Clinical Teacher of the Year (chosen by Year 3 - ICC Terrace)
Top photo: Dr. Jaco Strydom from Terrace was recognized by NMP Class of 2025 Terrace ICC site students.
Bottom photo: Nicole Wiltermuth, front centre, with (L-R) Jonah, Linden, Victoria and Samantha from the NMP Class of 2025.

- Dr. Lida Hellqvist, Dr. Kalun Boudreau, Dr. Natasha Desjardins:
Clinical Teaching Awards (chosen by Year 3 - ICC - Fort St. John) - Dr. Rahul Hampole:
Clinical Impressions Award - Clinical Teacher of the Year (chosen by Year 3 - Prince George) - Nicole Wiltermuth, NMP Clinical Program Assistant - Years 3 & 4 (ER, Optho, Derm, Gen Surg, Ortho, Anes and Surgical Sub-Specialties):
Supporting Impressions Award - Non-Clinical Teacher of the Year (chosen by Year 3 - Prince George)
Master of Physical Therapy - North Award
- Vickie Laverdure:
Clinical Skills Assistant Award, for immense contribution to students’ learning as a Clinical Skills Assistant (chosen by Year 2, 2022-2024 Class)