2024 DMS awards honour teaching and service excellence

Two people stand at the front of a small lecture theatre filled with people.
MPT-N Clinical Skills Assistant (CSA) Vickie Laverdure together with the MPT-N Class of 2024, who recognized her with this year's CSA Award.
Dr. Jaco Strydom received an award from NMP Year 3 Terrace ICC students.

Northern Medical Program Awards

  • Dr. Shannon King
    Clinical Preceptor Roche Award for Excellence in Teaching Clinical Skills (chosen by Year 1)
  • Dr. Caroline Dance:
    Clinical Preceptor Roche Award for Excellence in Teaching Clinical Skills (chosen by Year 2)
  • Dr. Julia Wimmers-Klick
    First Impressions Award (chosen by Year 1). And! Lasting Impressions Award (chosen by Year 2)
  • Dr. Jaco Strydom
    Clinical Teacher of the Year (chosen by Year 3 - ICC Terrace)

Top photo: Dr. Jaco Strydom from Terrace was recognized by NMP Class of 2025 Terrace ICC site students.

Bottom photo: Nicole Wiltermuth, front centre, with (L-R) Jonah, Linden, Victoria and Samantha from the NMP Class of 2025.

Nicole Wiltermuth with four NMP Class of 2025 students.
  • Dr. Lida Hellqvist, Dr. Kalun Boudreau, Dr. Natasha Desjardins:
    Clinical Teaching Awards (chosen by Year 3 - ICC - Fort St. John)
  • Dr. Rahul Hampole:
    Clinical Impressions Award - Clinical Teacher of the Year (chosen by Year 3 - Prince George)
  • Nicole Wiltermuth, NMP Clinical Program Assistant - Years 3 & 4 (ER, Optho, Derm, Gen Surg, Ortho, Anes and Surgical Sub-Specialties):
    Supporting Impressions Award - Non-Clinical Teacher of the Year (chosen by Year 3 - Prince George)


Master of Physical Therapy - North Award

  • Vickie Laverdure:
    Clinical Skills Assistant Award, for immense contribution to students’ learning as a Clinical Skills Assistant (chosen by Year 2, 2022-2024 Class)