UNBC Pension Plan

Please feel free to contact Human Resources Benefits at benefits@unbc.ca for further information.

Financial Changes

Add or change voluntary contributions,  or change the investment allocation decision for current plan balances or future contributions.   Please ensure that you submit your form to Human Resources for processing.

Address, Name or Beneficiary Changes

Note: Under BC pension legislation, if there is a spouse they must be the beneficiary, unless the spouse completes a waiver to this entitlement. If the beneficiary is a child or children who are under the age of 19, you should appoint a Trustee.

You now have the ability to update your beneficiary information on the Sun Life site through the e-beneficiary tool.

General Change Form

The Appointment of Trustee or Administrator for a Minor Beneficiary Form is available in the Human Resources Office.

Beneficiary - Trustee Designation

e-Beneficiary Process & Details

Plan Formula

  • UNBC has a defined contribution plan.
  • Formula 3% employee and 8% employer up to the Canada Pension Plan's Year's Maximum Pensionable Earnings (YMPE), which is established annually.
  • The 2024 YMPE is $68,500. Formula 5% employee and 10% employer above YMPE
  • Locking in Provisions

Locking in Provisions

  • Upon termination, when a member transfers their contributions out, they need to go into a locked in vehicle; they can not access funds until 55 at the earliest under current tax rules and they must take it out in the form of a retirement income.
  • Voluntary contributions are not locked in.

Register Online

Registering Online (PDF)

PIN & Password

Sun Life Financial will send new members a temporary PIN after they receive the enrolment form.

To reset your PIN or change your password, please call Sun Life's Customer Care number:

Phone: 1-866-881-0583


  • Effective September 30, 2015 with the changes in the BC Pension Standards Act upon enrolment in the pension plan you are immediately vested into the plan.

Default Investment Option

  • The default investment option is the Granite Target Date Fund that is closest to your 65th birthday and remains so until the employee provides investment instructions.

Investment Changes

  • Investment changes can be made by the financial change form or via Sun Life Financial. You will need your account number found in your welcome letter or member statement.

Financial Change Form


Voluntary Pension Contributions

  • An employee may contribute beyond the basic plan formula subject to income tax limits.
  • In 2024 the limit is 18% of salary less basic employee and UNBC contributions up to $32,490.00.
  • To start this benefit, complete a financial change authorization form (available in Human Resources).
  • Please note that any voluntary pension contributions, will take away additional RRSP contribution room for the following year.