History 440 offers students the opportunity to gain valuable work experience related to their history degrees. It is part of the broader experiential learning project at UNBC and the university's goal to engage with communities in northern British Columbia. Students can earn three credits for doing 110 of non-remunerated work with northern organizations and institutions. These particularly include museum and archives but may also include any organization working with heritage preservation or requiring historical research.
The placement has History majors apply the research skills and historical knowledge they have learned n a workplace environment. The program is intended to give students relevant work experience that they will be able to apply once they graduate. It is also possible for students to do a research internship with History Department faculty members during which students carry out independent research contributing to faculty members' projects
This program is intended for keen and strong students who have already developed a project idea. Faculty members provide students supervision and support while personnel at the local organization provide guidance and mentorship. Students need to create their own project and set up the relationship (with faculty support) with a local organization.
In the past students have created exhibits for the Railway and Forestry Museum, or worked at the Northern BC Archives and Special Collections hosted at the UNBC library. Future projects could include archival and digitization projects with local organizations, clubs, government departments, or aboriginal communities.
Interested students should begin by consulting with the department chair.
The Prince George Railway Museum
This Internship was completed by Mr. David Gill. The requirements for completion of this course included:
- research and exhibit planning (centenary of Grand Trunk Railway)
- planning and organizing the fall and Christmas exhibit and opening receptions (focusing on the significance of the Grand Trunk Railway to the region)
- preparation and mounting of promotional exhibit at UNBC