History (BA Program)

Theodore Binnema, Professor Emeritus
Charles Jago, Professor Emeritus
Gordon Martel, Professor Emeritus
William Morrison, Professor Emeritus
Jonathan Swainger, Professor Emeritus

Dana Wessell Lightfoot, Professor and Chair
Jacqueline Holler, Professor
Barrie Blatchford, Assistant Professor
Sara Farhan, Assistant Professor
Max Hamon, Assistant Professor

Website: www.unbc.ca/history

Tracing the origins of their discipline to the Ancient Greek scholar Herodotus (fifth century B.C.E.), historians examine the records of the human past, with the goal of understanding change over time. We are particularly interested in establishing cause and effect in the patterns of how society, politics, economies, culture, identity, and thought developed. Traditionally, historians have examined prominent individuals or critical events in politics, warfare, diplomacy, economics and intellectual activity. But in recent decades, the scope of historical study has expanded to encompass a wide range of phenomena and a broad spectrum of society. Women’s roles in history, the daily life of ordinary men and women in the past, and the impact of imperialism and colonialism are just a few of the topics that have come under intense historical scrutiny in recent years. Of particular interest to the current generation of historians are the relationship of the individual to society; encounters between diverse cultures; the dynamics of class, race, and gender; and the expression of power and authority (political, social, or cultural).

The study of history has direct relevance on the present. It provides an enlightening perspective on the cultures and societies of the past and on how the ideals, institutions, and issues of today arose and evolved over time. The discipline of History also requires intellectual rigour, and cultivates critical thinking, creative analysis, and both oral and written communication skills. History majors are highly sought after in fields such as law, education, journalism, business, government service, and “public history” (i.e., museums, historical sites, and archives). A History major is also an ideal foundation for graduate study in the Humanities and Social Sciences.

Major in History (BA)
Major in History (BA Honours)
Joint Major in English and History (BA)
Joint Major in Geography and History (BA)
Joint Major in History and Political Science (BA)
Joint Major in History and Women's Studies (BA)
Minor in History

Major in History

A degree in History requires students to complete 54 credit hours of History courses, at least 30 credit hours of which must be upper-division courses.

The minimum requirement for completion of a Bachelor of Arts with a major in History is 120 credit hours.

Program Requirements

Lower-Division Requirement

100 and 200 Level

HIST 190-3 World History to 1550
HIST 191-3 World History since 1550
HIST 200-3 Historical Methodology
Nine additional credit hours in 200-level History courses.

Upper-Division Requirement

300 and 400 Level

HIST 300-3 Historiography: The Nature of the Historical Discipline

Eighteen credit hours of History at the 300 level. Nine credit hours of History at the 400 level.

Subject Requirement

Six additional credit hours of History at any level to ensure completion of 54 credit hours of History in total.

Elective and Academic Breadth
Students take electives at any level in any subject sufficient to ensure completion of a minimum of 120 credit hours, including any additional credit hours necessary to meet the Academic Breadth requirement of the University (see Academic Regulation on Academic Breadth).

BA Honours - History

The BA Honours - History provides a higher level of training and specialization for students planning to proceed to postgraduate work or professional schools. The program of study is offered to students majoring in history who have completed their first 60 credit hours.

The minimum requirement for completion of a BA Honours - History is 120 credit hours.

In order to enter the Honours Degree Program, students must have completed the following:

  • HIST 190-3 World History to 1550;
  • HIST 191-3 World History since 1550;
  • HIST 200-3 Historical Methodology;
  • Nine credit hours in 200-level History courses;
  • HIST 300-3 Historiography: The Nature of the Historical Discipline;
  • and have attained a Cumulative GPA of no less than 3.33 upon completion of 60 credit hours.

Having fulfilled the requirements of admission to the History Honours Degree Program, students must then complete the requirements for the major including 54 credit hours for the History BA Program and 15 credit hours of additional history courses, listed below, designed for Honours students.

HIST 500-3 Honours Historiography: Contemporary Theories and Methods
HIST 501-3 Honours Directed Readings
HIST 505-6 Honours Thesis
HIST 545-3 Historical Methods and Approaches

In addition to the above requirements, students need to ensure they have sufficient credit hours of elective work (including those for Academic Breadth) to total a minimum of 120 credit hours.

Attaining the minimum requirement does not guarantee entry to the Honours Program, which is at the discretion of the Department.

Students must maintain a Cumulative GPA of 3.33 to remain in the Honours Program. Students are responsible to find their own undergraduate thesis research supervisor. Faculty members are under no obligation to supervise Honours students.

In addition, students must achieve a minimum grade of B (3.0) in HIST 505-6 to be granted the Honours designation.

Joint Major in English and History (BA)

See Calendar entry under English

Joint Major in Geography and History

See Calendar entry under Geography

Joint Major in History and Political Science (BA)

The minimum requirement for completion of a Bachelor of Arts with a Joint Major in History and Political Science is 120 credit hours.

Program Requirements

Lower-Division Requirement

ECON 205-3 Statistics for Business and the Social Sciences
    or STAT 240-3 Basic Statistics 
HIST 190-3 World History to 1550
HIST 191-3 World History since 1550
HIST 200-3 Historical Methodology
POLS 100-3 Contemporary Political Issues
POLS 200-3 Canadian Government and Politics
POLS 202-3 Canada in Comparative Perspective
POLS 230-3 International Relations
POLS 270-3 Political Philosophy: Antiquity to Early Modernity

Six credit hours of History at the 100 or 200 level

Upper-Division Requirement

HIST 300-3 Historiography: The Nature of the Historical Discipline
POLS 303-3 Democracy and Democratization
POLS 320-3 Canadian Politics and Policy
POLS 370-3 Political Philosophy: Early Modernity to Post-Modernity

Nine credit hours in Political Science at the 400 level

Eighteen credit hours in History at the 300 or 400 level

Elective and Academic Breadth

Electives at any level in any subject sufficient to ensure completion of a minimum of 120 credit hours including any additional credit hours necessary to meet the Academic Breadth requirement of the University (see Academic Regulation on Academic Breadth).

Joint Major in History and Women's Studies (BA)

The minimum requirement for completion of a Bachelor of Arts with a Joint Major in History and Women's Studies is 120 credit hours.

Program Requirements

Lower-Division Requirement

HIST 190-3 World History to 1550
HIST 191-3 World History since 1550
HIST 200-3 Historical Methodology
WMST 100-3 Introduction to Women's Studies 

Three additional credit hours of History at the 100 or 200 level

Six additional credit hours of Women's Studies at the 100 or 200 level

Upper-Division Requirement

HIST 300-3 Historiography: The Nature of the Historical Discipline
HIST 309-3 Women in Canada
HIST 453-(3-6) Topics in History of Gender
HIST 454-(3-6) Topics in Women's History
WMST 302-3 Women and the Contemporary World
WMST 307-3  Qualitative Research Methods 
WMST 311-3/HIST 311-3 History of Feminism
WMST 312-3/HIST 312-3 An Introduction to the History of Gender 

Nine additional credit hours of History at the 300 or 400 level

Additional Requirement

Twelve additional credit hours selected from the following:

ANTH 401-3 Anthropological Perspectives on Inequality
ANTH 406-3 Feminist Perspectives in Anthropology
ECON 301-3 Women and the Economy
ENVS 309-3 Gender, Environment and Sustainability
FNST 407-3 First Nations Perspectives on Race, Class, Gender and Power 
INTS 308-3 Gender and International Studies
NURS 412-3 Women and Health 
WMST 303-3 Lesbian and Bisexual Lives 
WMST 306-3/FNST 306-3 Indigenous Women: Perspectives 
WMST 411-3 Contemporary Feminist Theories
WMST 413-(3-6)  Topics in Aboriginal Women's Studies
WMST 420-3/
ENGL 410-3
Contemporary Women's Literature/
Special Topics in Contemporary Women's Literature
WMST 498-(3-6) Selected Topics in Women's Studies

Electives and Academic Breadth

Electives at any level in any subject sufficient to ensure completion of a minimum of 120 credit hours, including any additional credit hours necessary to meet the Academic Breadth requirement of the University (see Academic Regulation on Academic Breadth).

Minor in History

The minor in History provides students with an understanding of how to evaluate historical sources and writings, with specialized knowledge of historical processes.

The minor in History requires students to take at least 24 credit hours of History, 15 of which must be upper-division. A maximum of two courses (6 credit hours) used to fulfill program requirements for a major or another minor may also be used to fulfill requirements for a minor in History.

Program Requirements

HIST 190-3 World History to 1550
HIST 191-3 World History since 1550
HIST 200-3 Historical Methodology
HIST 300-3 Historiography: The Nature of the Historical Discipline

Twelve additional credit hours of 300- or 400-level History courses.

Updated: January 31, 2025