Working with Patient Partners: Effectively Engaging the Patient and Family in Quality Improvement (Lunch & Learn)
Facilitators: Deanna Danskin and Lee Cameron
Patient Partners: Kim Eggers and Christina Laberge
Pathway: Co-creating Healthcare for All
Aim: To provide anyone interested in learning QI work with an overview of the importance of patient and family engagement, and to provide an orientation to the appropriate tools and methods to engaging patients and families in meaningful ways.
Description: The patient and their family are at the centre of all that we do, so why not include them in the co-design of improvement projects and initiatives? This workshop will walk you through the approaches, methods, tools, and resources to engage patient and families in a meaningful and intentional way.
Learning Objectives:
- Describe the quadruple aim principles with focus on patient and family experience
- Describe the dimensions of quality (e.g. BC Patient Safety and Quality Council, Institute of Medicine)
- Recognize the importance of meaningful involvement of patient and family partners in QI projects
- Describe appropriate methods and levels of engagement for patient and family partner involvement (i.e. IAP2 Spectrum of Public Participation)
- Identify existing patient and family partner resources (e.g. Patient Voices Network)
- Prepare patient and family partners for meaningful participation in QI projects
- Prepare project team members for meaningful participation with patient and family partners.