Poster Session #1
Date: Tuesday, November 7th
Time: 5:00pm - 6:00pm
Location: University of Northern BC, Charles J. McAffrey Hall
- Carmela de Gracia-Patten | Kinesiology Practice in Primary Care
- Molly Sweeney Magee | Title TBA
- Behrouz Danesh | Staff Resiliancy in Ling-Term Care During COVID-19 Pandemic in Northern BC
- Kirsten Ward | : Using the Theoretical Domains Framework to Understand Barriers and Facilitators Influencing Physical Activity Behavior in Rural Communities of British Columbia, Canada
- Kudrat Mundi | Use of long term ventilation for preterm infants with severe bronchopulmonary dysplasia in British Columbia
- Cameron Aird | Exploring the awareness and perceptions of the Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines in the developmentof recommendations for rural and remote communities
- Leah Chambers | Assessing the Impact of Use of Hydroponic Tower in Hospice Staff and Volunteers
- Sarah Brown, Rebecca Sketchley and Lara Frederick | Northern Health ‘Bright Lights’: Development of a Northern British Columbia (BC) Mental Wellness Youth Advisory Committee
- Tsz Wing (Ariel) Cheng | Examining the Role of Technology in Ageing in Place Safely in Rural and Remote Communities: A Scoping Review
- Danielle Sidsworth | Improving pressure injury prevention on UHNBCs surgical wards
- Deanna Danskin | Perinatal Mental Health Services in Prince George; the Development of a Local Referral Pathway
- Karina Hansen, Kelsey Sandhu | The Power of Podcasting; Sharing Quality Improvement and Improving Collaboration through the Qualitycast North Podcast
- Jihanne Dumo | Context-specific physical activity programs, interventions, and resources in rural and northern communities: An environmental scan
- Lara Frederick | Infusion of Quality in the Public Health Practie Regional Team
- Fatemeh Mohamednejad | Rural Nurses' Perspectives on the Potential of Steadi-One Glove Technology in Reducing In-person Healthcare Supports for Individuals with Essential Tremors
- Sarah Munt | Coordinating Regional Support
- Ka Wai Tong | The Grief Supports: Enhancing Children's Coping Skills and Well-being - A Scoping Review
- Amanda Halliday, Taylar Endean & Lara Frederick | Public Health Resource Nurse Float Position: Supporting D&Ts