UNBC Geography Winter 2021 Newsletter

Newsletter, Student

I hope this message finds you safe and healthy as we near the end of our Winter 2021 online semester. Spring 2021 brings some encouraging news from BC's Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry who has advised UNBC and all BC public colleges and universities to prepare for a full return to on-campus education this September. This past year has not been easy as we started into an uncertain future immediately following our hosting of the WD-CAG conference here on campus last March. I am full of optimism and look forward to returning to campus with many of you. But, for some of us, thinking about a return to campus may lead to some apprehension or hesitation. Please know that UNBC continues to take the health and safety of our students, faculty, and staff seriously and will continue to follow all provincial health and safety guidelines. Regular updates are posted at: https://www.unbc.ca/coronavirus/updates

Dr. Catherine Nolin, UNBC Geography (Chair)

Winter 2021 Newsletter

Winter 2021 Newsletter

Contact Information

Dr. Catherine Nolin, Chair of Geography - catherine.nolin@unbc.ca

Ms. Michelle Keen, Administrative Assistant to Geography Program - michelle.keen@unbc.ca