Current graduate students

Alexandre Bevington
Graduate student, PhD Natural Resources and Environmental Studies - Geography (September 2016 - present)
Co-supervisors: Dr. Brian Menounos, Dr. Marten Geertsema
Dissertation topic: Time Series Satellite Remote Sensing of Cryospheric Change in the Mountains of British Columbia and Alberta

Charlie Bourque
Graduate student, MSc Natural Resources and Environmental Studies - Geography (September 2022 - present)
BSc Integrated Science (UNBC, 2020)
Supervisor: Dr. Brian Menounos
Thesis topic: The impact of red snow algae and black carbon on glacier melt

Andrea Byrne
Graduate student, PhD Natural Resources and Environmental Studies (September 2021 - present)
MPlan (University of Waterloo, 2020)
BSc Environmental Science (University of British Columbia, 2011)
Supervisor: Dr. Tristan Pearce
Dissertation topic: Nature-based adaptation to climate change and local governments

Richard Darko
Graduate student, PhD Natural Resources and Environmental Studies - Geography (September 2022 - present)
MA Natural Resources and Environmental Studies - Geography (UNBC, 2022)
MA Development Economics (UNBC, 2019)
MA Economics (University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, 2016)
BA Economics (Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana, 2012)
Supervisor: Dr. Greg Halseth
Thesis topic: Advancing new Regional Industrial Development Pathways: Exploring the Dynamics of Power, Legitimacy, and Institutionalization

Sara Darychuk
Graduate student, PhD Natural Resources and Environmental Studies - Environmental Science (September 2019 – present)
Supervisor: Dr. Joseph Shea
Thesis topic: LiDAR-based snow volumes and remotely sensed snow-covered area.

Audrey Faber (on leave)
Graduate student, MSc Natural Resources and Environmental Studies - Geography (September 2017 - present)
BSc Geography (University of the Fraser Valley, Abbotsford, B.C., 2016)
Supervisor: Dr. Brian Menounos
Thesis topic: Determining the provenance of sand beaches on Calvert Island, BC, using geochemical fingerprinting

Madeleine Fisher
Graduate student, MA Natural Resources and Environmental Studies - Geography (September 2024-Present)
Supervisor: Dr. Tristan Pearce
Thesis topic: Community Resilience to Coastal Change in the Canadian Arctic
Davi Florêncio de Lima
Graduate student, MA Natural Resources and Environmental Studies - Geography (September 2022 - present)
Supervisor: Dr. Greg Halseth
Thesis topic: Public policies to support population aging in a small resource-based community in northern British Columbia

Briana Greer
Graduate student, MA Natural Resources and Environmental Studies - Geography (September 2021 - present)
BA Global and International Studies and Political Science - Double Major (UNBC, 2021)
Supervisor: Dr. Zoe Meletis
Thesis topic: Métis Women's Experiences of Climate Change
Steinunn Jonatansdottir
Graduate student, PhD Health Sciences (September 2016 to present)
Co-supervisors: Dr. Neil Hanlon, Dr. Martha MacLeod
Dissertation topic: Exploring the influence of social intimacy on rural nursing practice.

Rubi Juliana Briones Venegas
Graduate student, MA International Studies (January 2024-Present)
BA Tourism Administration (Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, Peru, 2018)
Supervisor: Dr. Tristan Pearce
Thesis topic: Community Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change in the dry region of Guatemala

Amy Klepetar
Graduate student, PhD Health Sciences (September 2023 - present)
Co-supervisors: Dr. Neil Hanlon, Dr. Margot Parkes
Dissertation topic: Examining human health impacts of industrial development in the Kitimat Valley, British Columbia

Gabrielle Lint
MSc Natural Resources and Environmental Studies - Environmental Science
BSc Honours Environmental Science, focus in Toxicology; Minor in Soil Science (University of Manitoba, 2018)
Supervisors: Dr. Ellen Petticrew and Dr. Philip Owens
Thesis topic: Effects of Mount Polley mine spill tailings on impacted lakes' phosphorus and chlorophyll-a concentrations

Caleb Mathias
Graduate student, MSc Natural Resources and Environmental Studies - Geography (September 2021 - present)
Supervisor: Dr. Brian Menounos
Thesis topic: Investigating Holocene glacier fluctuations in the northeastern Canadian Cordillera

Mackenzie Ostberg
Graduate student, MA Natural Resources and Environmental Studies - Geography (September 2023 - Present)
Supervisor: Dr. Tristan Pearce
Thesis topic: Community Vulnerability to Changing Snowpacks and Water Systems in the Robson Valley, British Columbia, Canada

Md Abdur Rashid
Graduate student, PhD Natural Resources and Environmental Studies - Geography (September 2022 - present)
MA International Studies - International Development (UNBC, 2015)
BA (Aligarh Muslim University, 1999)
Supervisor: Dr. Catherine Nolin
Thesis topic: Rohingya Refugee Crisis & Rethinking Development in Bangladesh
Sheri Sarami Foroushani
Graduate student, MA Natural Resources and Environmental Studies - Geography (September 2021 - present)
Supervisor: Dr. Greg Halseth
Thesis topic: Tourism's contribution to sustainable development in small communities: A case study of Tumbler Ridge in northern British Columbia

Halena Scanlon
Graduate student, MNRES Natural Resources and Environmental Studies - Geography (September 2022 - present)
Supervisor: Dr. Tristan Pearce
Thesis topic: Knowledge co-production of Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) in a changing Arctic

Samiullah Sofizada
Graduate student, PhD Natural Resources and Environmental Studies - Geography (January 2023 - present)
Supervisor: Dr. Joseph Shea
Dissertation topic: Community resilience and adaptation to changing mountain snowpacks and geohazards in Robson Valley, British Columbia

Glen Thielmann
Graduate student, PhD Natural Resources and Environmental Studies - Geography (September 2019 - present)
MEd Curriculum, Instruction, and Leadership (Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C., 2004)
BA Geography and English (UBC, Vancouver, B.C., 1994)
Supervisor: Dr. Catherine Nolin
Dissertation topic: Possibilities of Place: Tracing the Roots of Place-Responsive K-12 Educator Practice in North Central B.C.
Phone: 250-960-5789
Former graduate students and theses
2024 Alumni

Ali Bishop
MSc Natural Resources and Environmental Studies - Geography
Advanced Diploma - Geographic Information Systems (Vancouver Island University, 2019)
BSc (Dalhousie University, 2016)
Co-supervisors: Dr. Joseph Shea and Dr. Bill Floyd
Thesis topic: Evaluation of Snow Distribution under Forest Canopy with Airborne LiDAR

Stephanie Chan
MSc Natural Resources and Environmental Studies - Biology
Supervisor: Dr. Tristan Pearce
Thesis topic: Measuring individual specialization in Greenland cod (Gadus ogac) in the Arctic

Yanik Rozon
MA Natural Resources and Environmental Studies - Geography
Supervisor: Dr. Tristan Pearce
Thesis topic: Nature-based adaptation to climate change and marine protected areas in Fiji

Yihang Zhang
MA Natural Resources and Environmental Studies - Geography
BA Media Economics and Management - Broadcasting and Television Playwright Directing, TV Editing (Communication University of China, Beijing, 2010)
Supervisor: Dr. Zoë A. Meletis
Thesis topic: Bringing dinosaurs into the 2020s: considering current visitation and future virtual tourism possibilities for the Tumbler Ridge Museum and Geopark (B.C.)

Adam Hawkins
PhD Natural Resources and Environmental Studies - Geography
BS Environmental and Engineering Geology (Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA, 2014)
Supervisor: Dr. Brian Menounos
Dissertation topic: Holocene Glacier and Climate Change in Northwestern Canada and southern South America
LinkedIn Profile

Kristen Kieta
PhD Natural Resources Environmental Studies - Geography
BSc Environmental Science (University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN, 2011)
MSc Natural Resources and Environmental Studies (UNBC, 2017)
Supervisors: Dr. Phil Owens and Dr. Ellen Petticrew
Dissertation topic: Determining sources of sediment in the Nechako River Basin using the sediment fingerprinting technique

Erin Nevison
MA Natural Resources and Environmental Studies - Geography
BA International Relations (University of British Columbia Okanagan, 2017)
Supervisor: Dr. Greg Halseth
Thesis topic: Policy and the decarbonization of energy in British Columbia

Sergio Vazquez Tagle Gallegos
MSc Natural Resources and Environmental Studies - Geography
BEng Environmental Geology (Autonomous University of Hidalgo State, Mexico)
Supervisors: Dr. Brian Menounos and Dr. Joseph Shea
Thesis topic: Measurement of snow volume fluctuations in northern regions with LiDAR data

James Whitehead
Student, MSc Natural Resources and Environmental Studies - Geography
BASc Quest University Canada (Squamish B.C., 2017)
Supervisor: Dr. Tristan Pearce
Dissertation topic: Assessing the Implementation of Community Based Wildfire Risk Reduction Initiatives in BC
2023 Alumni

Annie King
MA Natural Resources and Environmental Studies - Geography
Supervisor: Dr. Tristan Pearce
Thesis: Consultation and Engagement of Sahtú Dene and Métis People in the Closure and Reclamation of the Norman Wells Oilfield

Adrian Smith
MSc Natural Resources and Environmental Studies - Geography
Co-supervisors: Dr. Roger Wheate and Dr. Chelsey Armstrong (Simon Fraser University)
Thesis: Historical-Ecological Approach to Understanding the Effects of Timber Harvest on Wa’uumst, Hu’ums (Oplopanax horridus) in Lax Yip Madii Lii

Rulan Xiao
MSc Natural Resources and Environmental Studies - Geography
Supervisor: Dr. Joseph Shea
Thesis topic: Comparison of methods to estimate fuel moisture content in different forest stand types in central British Columbia
2022 Alumni

Amy Abdel-Malak
Master of Natural Resources and Environmental Studies (MNRES)
Supervisor: Dr. Zoë Meletis
Thesis: Learning to ride the waves: Whale-watching tour operators in British Columbia and their perspectives on COVID-19 impacts

Richard Darko
MA Natural Resources and Environmental Studies - Geography
Supervisor: Dr. Greg Halseth
Thesis: Economic restructuring in resource-dependent communities in the aftermath of mill/mine closure in northern British Columbia: A comparative case study of Valemount and Tumbler Ridge in Northern British Columbia

Benjamin Hagerty
MA Natural Resources and Environmental Studies - Geography
Supervisors: Dr. Zoe A. Meletis and Dr. Mark Groulx
Thesis: Examining vegan philosophy in sustainable tourism and entrepreneurialism

Kevin Ostapowich
MSc Natural Resources and Environmental Studies - Environmental Science
Supervisor: Dr. Joseph Shea
Thesis: Measurements and controls on mid-winter alpine ground thermal regime in the Purcell mountains, British Columbia

Annie Pumphrey
Master of Natural Resources and Environmental Studies (MNRES)
Supervisor: Dr. Zoë A. Meletis
Thesis: Bear jams in Kananaskis country: Visitor and expert perceptions of roadside bear viewing management in Peter Lougheed Provincial Park, Alberta
Awarded: Governor General's Gold Medal at UNBC's May 2023 Convocation
2021 Alumni

Megan Gordon
MA Natural Resources and Environmental Studies - Geography
Supervisor: Dr. Greg Halseth
Thesis: Achieving a ‘just transition’ for forestry-dependent workers and communities in northern British Columbia

Jessica Smart
MSc Natural Resources and Environmental Studies - Environmental Science
Supervisor: Dr. Tristan Pearce
Thesis topic: Inuit Knowledge and Observations of Changes in Arctic Char (Salvelinus alpinus) and the Implications for Subsistence Livelihoods in Ulukhaktok, Northwest Territories
2020 Alumni

Marzieh Mortezapour
PhD Natural Resources and Environmental Studies - Geography
Co-Supervisors: Dr. Peter Jackson and Dr. Brian Menounos
Dissertation: Modelling snowpacks in topographically complex terrain during the winter accumulation season, Columbia River Basin, British Columbia, Canada

Ben Pelto
PhD Natural Resources and Environmental Studies - Geography
Supervisor: Dr. Brian Menounos
Dissertation: An approach to remotely monitor glacier mass balance at seasonal to annual time scales, Columbia and Rocky Mountains, Canada

Obumneme Achunike
MNRES Geography
BSc Geology and Mining (Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Enugu, Nigeria, 1998)
Supervisor: Dr. Catherine Nolin
Thesis: Social impacts of oil extraction in the Niger Delta region, Nigeria
2019 Alumni
Bridget Kinsley
MA Natural Resources and Environmental Studies - Geography
BS Animal Science (Rutgers University, 2005)
Supervisor: Dr. Zoë Meletis
Thesis: Investigating Scientific, Social and Other Influences on the 2017 British Columbia Grizzly Bear Hunt Ban
Tashi Sherpa
MA Natural Resources and Environmental Studies - Geography
Supervisor: Dr. Greg Halseth
Thesis: The Importance of Land and Water to the Culture of the Xeni Gwet’in First Nation: An Analysis of Statements Presented at Environmental Impact Assessment Hearings
Sean O'Rourke
MA Interdisciplinary Studies
RMA Masters of Arts in Research (Mount St. Vincent University, 2017)
BASc - BA Anthropology and BSc Psychology (University of Lethbridge, 2015)
Supervisor: Dr. Gail Fondahl
Thesis: It’s good for the soul": Eveny traditional land-use and meaning in life
Charlotte Connolly
MA Natural Resources and Environmental Studies - Geography
BA Peace, Conflict and Justice Program (Munk School of Global Affairs at University of Toronto, 2016)
Supervisor: Dr. Catherine Nolin
Thesis: Exploring Canada's Extractive's Approach to Development: The Nexus of Law, Violence and Development in the Case of Tahoe Resources Inc. in Guatemala
Tsatia Adzich
MA Interdisciplinary Studies
MA Indigenous Governance (University of Victoria, 2017)
BA Honours Communications and First Nations Studies (Simon Fraser University, 2016)
Supervisor: Dr. Gail Fondahl
Thesis: Storying Urban Indigeneity in the Russian Far East: Eveny and Evenki Women Navigating Yakutsk, Sakha Republic
Nicholas Parlato
MA Interdisciplinary Studies
BA (Oberlin College, 2012)
Supervisor: Dr. Gail Fondahl
Thesis topic: A Critical Legal Geography of “Territory of Traditional Nature-Use” (TTP) Formation in the Sahka Republic (Yakutia), Russia
2017-2018 Alumni
Aaron Zwiebel
MSc Natural Resources and Environmental Studies
BSc Forestry (UBC, 2014)
Co-supervisors: Drs. Ellen Petticrew & Phil Owens
Thesis Topic: Spatial and Trophic Biomonitoring of Aquatic Trace Metals Following the Mt. Polley Mine Tailings Spill
Dominic Reiffarth
PhD Natural Resources and Environmental Studies
MSc Chemistry (2006, UNBC), BSc Chemistry (1998, UNBC)
Co-Supervisors: Dr. Ellen Petticrew and Dr. Phil Owens
Dissertation: That’s Phat: The Development and Evaluation of Compound-Specific Stable Isotopes (CSSIs) of Very Long-Chain Fatty Acids (VLCFAs) as a Sediment Tracing Tool in a Temperate Climate
Kirk Walker
MA Interdisciplinary Studies
BA Anthropology (UNBC, 2012)
Diploma in Broadcast Communications - Television (BCIT, 2004)
Supervisor: Dr. Catherine Nolin
Thesis: Landscape and Collective Memory in Post-Conflict Ayacucho, Peru: Narratives and Photography of Survivors
Cherise Chrispen
MA Natural Resources and Environmental Studies - Geography
Supervisor: Dr. Zoë A. Meletis
Thesis: Conservation and Consumption: Conflicted Bedfellows in Sea Turtle Conservation
Christopher Turner
PhD Natural Resources and Environmental Studies - Geography and Political Science
MA NRES - Geography (UNBC, 2011)
Bachelor of General Studies (Thompson Rivers University, 2009)
BTech Geography Information Systems (BCIT, 1997)
Co-supervisors: Dr. Gail Fondahl and Dr. Michael Murphy
Dissertation: "Overlap": Causes and implications of contested indigenous claims to territory in the context of the BC treaty process
Kristy Rasmus
MSc Natural Resources and Environmental Studies
Supervisor: Dr. Ellen Petticrew
Thesis: Seasonal Movement of Marine-Derived Nutrients in the Surface Bed Sediment and Floodplain Hyporheic Zone
Jake Duros
MSc Natural Resources and Environmental Studies
BSc Biology (University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, 2011)
Supervisor: Dr. Ellen Petticrew
Thesis: The Movement of Marine-Derived Nutrients from a Salmon Spawning River to a Nursery Lake
2016 Alumni
Erica Henderson
MA Interdisciplinary Studies
BA Anthropology (UNBC, 2011)
Supervisor: Dr. Catherine Nolin
Thesis: Seeking Justice in Guatemala: Dignifying the 'Disappeared' in a Context of Impunity
Alex Koiter
PhD Natural Resources and Environmental Studies
MSc Soil Science (University of Manitoba)
BSc Environmental Science (University of Guelph)
Co-Supervisors: Dr. Phil Owens and Dr. Ellen Petticrew
Dissertation: It’s Sedimentary, My Dear Watson: Implications of Watershed Processes on the Sediment Fingerprinting Approach
2015 Alumni
Carolyn Emon
MA Interdisciplinary Studies
BA Geography (UNBC, 2013)
Supervisor: Dr. Neil Hanlon
Thesis: Human Trafficking: An Examination of Available Services and Support in Prince George, B.C.
Leah Vanden Busch
MSc NRES - Environmental Science
BSc Biology (University of Wisconsin, 2008)
Co-supervisors: Dr. Ellen Petticrew and Dr. John Rex
Thesis: Hyporheic Nutrient exchanges in salmon bearing interior streams
Md Abdur Rashid
MA International Studies - International Development
Supervisor: Dr. Catherine Nolin
Thesis: Gendered Violence in Gender-Based Development Projects: Conditional Cash Transfer Programs and Women’s ‘Empowerment’ and ‘Development’ in Bangladesh
Malyssa Maurer
MSc NRES - Geography
BSc Geography (UNBC, 2009)
Supervisor: Dr. Brian Menounos
Thesis: Late Holocene Glacier Fluctuations in Southernmost Patagonia
2014 Alumni
Jocelyn Joe-Strack
MSc NRES - Geography
Supervisor: Dr. Ellen Petticrew
Thesis: Mercury, Sulfur-Reducing Bacteria and Organic Matter in the Subarctic Lake Sediments of Kusawa Lake, Yukon
Som Pun
MNRES - Geography
Supervisor: Dr. Greg Halseth
Thesis: The Opportunities and Limitations of First Nations’ Forest Tenures in British Columbia: The Key Issues, Challenges and Future Recommendations for Community Management of Forests in Tl’azt’en Nation
JP Laplante
MA NRES - Geography
Supervisor: Dr. Catherine Nolin
Thesis: La Voz del Pueblo: Maya Consultas and the Challenge of Self-Determination for Socially Responsible Investment in the Mining Sector
Titilope (Titi) Kunkel
PhD NRES - Geography
Co-Supervisors: Dr. Bob Ellis and Dr. Ellen Petticrew
Dissertation: Aboriginal values, sacred landscapes, and resource development in the Cariboo Chilcotin region of BC
Joanna Paterson
MSc Community Health Sciences
Supervisor: Dr. Neil Hanlon
Thesis: Students Who Stay: Stories of Northern Medical Program Graduates and Place Integration
(Ysler) Giulliana Tamblyn
MA International Studies - International Development
BA Economics (National University of Piura, Peru, 1996)
Supervisor: Dr. Catherine Nolin
Research Project:Is Resource Extraction A Curse Or A Bonanza For Local Communities? Mining Case Study: Quiruvilca, Peru
Rob Vogt
BSc Physics and Mathematics (UNBC, 2010)
Supervisor: Dr. Brian Menounos
Thesis: A Model for Holocene Glacial Erosion at Peyto Glacier, Alberta, Canada
2013 Alumni
Matthew Beedle
MA Geography (University of Colorado)
BSc Earth Science (Montana State University)
Co-Supervisors: Dr. Brian Menounos and Dr. Roger Wheate
Dissertation: Glacier change in the Cariboo Mountains of British Columbia, Canada (1946-2011)
Brooke Eschuck
BA Geography (UNBC)
Supervisor: Dr. Neil Hanlon
Thesis: Come Out and Play!: Exploring the Landscapes of Free-Play in Prince George, British Columbia
Courtney LeBourdais
BA English (UNBC)
Supervisor: Dr. Catherine Nolin
Thesis: Narratives of Negotiation: Marriage Migration in Northern British Columbia
Eric Kopetski
Supervisor: Dr. Greg Halseth
Thesis: You Want Me to Grow Trees? The Social Implications of Biomass Crops on the Resilience of Quesnel, British Columbia
Theo Mlynowski
BSc Geography (UNBC)
Supervisor: Dr. Brian Menounos
Thesis: The Influence of Glacier Change on Sediment Yield, Peyto Basin, Alberta, Canada
2012 Alumni
Alexander Martin
MA Rural Development, BA Geography (Brandon University)
Supervisor: Dr. Greg Halseth
Dissertation: Community-Company Relationships in Forest-Dependent Communities in Northern BC: Assessing the Local, Sectoral, and Theoretical Implications
Leana Garraway
MA Interdisciplinary Studies
BA Anthropology (UNBC)
Supervisor: Dr. Neil Hanlon
Thesis: Knowledge to Action: First Nations Engagement with Research for Community Benefit
Christina Tennant
Supervisor: Dr. Brian Menounos
Thesis: "Nine Decades of Glacier Change in the Canadian Rocky Mountains"
Jessica Blewett
BA Geography, Minor in Women's Studies (UNBC)
Supervisor: Dr. Neil Hanlon
Thesis: Disablement in Prince George, BC: A Qualitative, Holistic and Participatory Exploration
Nick Ehlers
BSc Biology - Marine Biology option (Oregon State University)
Supervisor: Dr. Zoë Meletis
Thesis: Little Boats and Big Concerns? Seeking a Balance Between Ecotourism and Motorboat Use in Tortuguero, Costa Rica
2011 Alumni
Hyae-Rim Roncin
MA International Studies (International Development)
Co-supervisors: Dr. Catherine Nolin and Dr. Fiona MacPhail
Thesis: The Meaning of Reconciliation and Development in Post-Genocide Rwanda
Jamie Pepper
Supervisor: Dr. Gail Fondahl
Thesis: From a Different Perspective: A First Nations Approach to Marine Near-Shore Natural Resource Management on Coastal British Columbia
Cristian Silva
MA Interdisciplinary Studies
Supervisor: Dr. Catherine Nolin
Thesis: Exhuming Guatemala's Gender-Based Violence: Justice, Truth-Telling, and Rebuilding in a Post-Conflict Society
Courtney Jermyn
Supervisor: Dr. Brian Menounos
Thesis: An Approach for Remote Landslide Mapping, South Nahanni Watershed, Northwest Territories, Canada
Christopher Turner
MA NRES Geography
Bachelor of General Studies (Thompson Rivers University, 2009)
BTech Geography Information Systems (BCIT, 1997)
Supervisor: Dr. Gail Fondahl
Thesis: Overlap: Causes and Implications of Contested Indigenous Claims to Territory in the Context of the BC Treaty Process
Jiwon Slotwinski
MSc Community Health Sciences
Supervisor: Dr. Neil Hanlon
Thesis: 'People Need to Listen to Us': The Role of Empowerment in Positive Prevention Helps People Living with HIV/AIDS to Improve their Health and Quality of Life
Christine Creyke
BA Geography (UNBC, 2006)
Co-supervisors: Dr. Gail Fondahl and Dr. Greg Halseth
Thesis: The Tahltan Nation and Our Consultation Process with Mining Industry: How a Land Use Plan Might Improve the Process
Kara Przeczek
BSc Honours in Ecology, Minor in Earth Sciences (University of Calgary, 2005)
Co-Supervisors: Dr. Brian Menounos and Dr. Stephen Dery
Thesis: Assessment of Optimum Snowmelt Model Complexity, Cariboo Highlands, British Columbia, Canada
2010 Alumni
Sam Albers
MSc NRES - Biology
BSc Biology (University of Victoria)
Supervisor: Dr. Ellen Petticrew
Thesis: The Salmon Disturbance Regime: Effects on Biofilm, Sediment and Water
Handout: Sam Albers Thesis Defence
Nathan Einbinder
BSc Environmental Studies (Evergreen State College, 2002)
Supervisor: Dr. Catherine Nolin
Thesis: Dams, Displacement, and Perceptions of Development: A Case Study from Rio Negro, Guatemala
Chelan (Hoffman) Zirul
Supervisor: Dr. Greg Halseth
Thesis: The Changing Governance of Rural Regional Development: A Case Study of the Cariboo-Chilcotin Beetle Action Coalition
Marc Steynen
Supervisor: Dr. Greg Halseth
Thesis: The Consequences of Forest-Dependence for the Economic Growth and Socioeconomic Development of Houston, B.C.
Alexandra Pedersen
MA International Studies - International Development
BA International Development (University of Guelph, 2009)
Supervisor: Dr. Catherine Nolin
Thesis: Amplifying Voices of Development: Insights from Indigenous Maya Leaders of El Quiché, Guatemala Defence video: Part I and Part II
2009 Alumni
Jennifer Herkes
Supervisor: Dr. Greg Halseth
Thesis: Planning for Resilience: A Case Study of Kitimat, BC
Domenico Santomauro
Co-Supervisors: Dr. Gail Fondahl and Dr. Chris Johnson
Thesis: The Distribution of Woodland Caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) and Moose (Alces alces) in the Fort St. James Region of Northern British Columbia, 1800-1950
John Rex
Supervisor: Dr. Ellen Petticrew
Thesis: The Flocculation Feedback Loop: Delivery of Marine Derived Nutrients in Pacific Salmon Streams
Caroline von Schilling
Supervisor: Dr. Darwyn Coxson (NRES Graduate Program)
Thesis: Entropy Debt: A Link to Sustainability?
Anne Hogan
Supervisor: Dr. Greg Halseth
Thesis: Housing, Health, and Social Inclusion of Older People in Prince George, BC
Kyle Kusch
Supervisor: Dr. Greg Halseth
Thesis: Historical Migration Patterns in the Upper Fraser Region, British Columbia
2007 Alumni
Rachael Clasby
Supervisor: Dr. Neil Hanlon
Thesis: Networks and partnerships in a resource town: A case study of adapting to an aging population in Mackenzie, B.C.
Karen Heikkila
Supervisor: Dr. Gail Fondahl
Thesis: Teaching through Toponomy: Using Indigenous Place Names in Outdoor Science Camps
Sarah (Parsons) Quinn
Supervisor: Dr. Gail Fondahl
Thesis: Locally based measures of successful forest co-management: A case study of Tl’azt’en Nation and the John Prince Research Forest
Jessica (McGregor) Place
Supervisor: Dr. Neil Hanlon
Thesis: Expanding the mine, killing a lake: A case study of First Nations' environmental values, perceptions of risk and health
Pamela (Prior) Tobin
MA Interdisciplinary Studies
Supervisor: Dr. Neil Hanlon
Thesis: The social and cultural experience of food security in the Takla Lake First Nation: Informing Public Health
2006 Alumni
Arian Spiteri
Co-supervisors: Dr. Gail Fondahl and Dr. Sanjay Nepal (Texas A&M University)
Thesis: Evaluating community incentives for biodiversity conservation in protected areas in Nepal
2005 Alumni
Melissa Baxter
Supervisor: Dr. Gail Fondahl
Thesis: Devolution and post-secondary education: Challenging First Nations geo-legal spatiality
Roberta (Bobbi Jo) Lay
Supervisor: Dr. Roger Wheate
Thesis: Use of LandSat TM and ETM+ to describe intra-season change in vegetation, with consideration for wildlife management
Jennifer Reade
MA Interdisciplinary Studies
Supervisor: Dr. Catherine Nolin
Thesis: Mujeres Autorizadas: Women’s empowerment programs as a form of community development in Guatemala
Jacqui Stephens
MA Interdisciplinary Studies
Supervisor: Dr. Catherine Nolin
Thesis: Conflicting perspectives: Neoliberal resource development, indigenous communities, and modern Canadian imperialism in Guatemala
Jenny Lo
Supervisor: Dr. Greg Halseth
Thesis: Three Cs for CED: Concepts, case studies, and consequences: Building capacity for community economic development
2003 Alumni
Kelly Giesbrecht
Supervisor: Dr. Greg Halseth
Thesis: Public participation in resource management: The Bulkley Valley Community Resources Board
2002 Alumni
Laura Ryser
Supervisor: Dr. Greg Halseth
Thesis: Institutional barriers to climate responsive design in commercial redevelopment in Prince George, BC
Lana Sullivan
Supervisor: Dr. Greg Halseth
Thesis: The geography of community crisis: A case of Tumbler Ridge, British Columbia
2001 Alumni
Brian Stauffer
Supervisor: Dr. Greg Halseth
Thesis: Resource development patterns of the British Columbia salmon canning industry, 1870-1970
1999 Alumni
Philip Morris
Supervisor: Dr. Gail Fondahl
Thesis: Negotiating the production of space in Tl'azt'en territory, 1969-1984