Geography Faculty News - 2012


Professor Kevin Hall - Elected as Fellow of the Society of South African Geographers

Dr. Kevin Hall

The Geography Program sends warm congratulations to our own Dr. Kevin Hall who, in June 2012, will be made a Fellow of the Society of South African Geographers (SSAG). Since 1970 there have been but 24 Fellows, and this award will be only the second to a non-South African.

In the written notification, Cecil Seethal, the SSAG President, wrote that the award was for, "inter alia, the indelible mark you have made on Geography in South Africa through globally respected research and a legacy of students who are now leaders in the discipline in the country....and for your prolific and sustained publication record."

Dr. Catherine Nolin was invited to present three talks in March at the University of British Columbia (UBC) in Vancouver and Simon Fraser University (SFU) in Burnaby on Violent Development and Canadian Mining in Guatemala. The Department of Geography at UBC hosted one talk, SFU's First Nations Studies hosted another, and the 3rd talk was part of the "Canadian Mining and the Universities" series hosted by UBC Geography, SFU Geography, and SFU's Institute for the Humanities.

New Adjunct Faculty Member, José Pablo

Jose Pablo

José Pablo is the Executive Director of the Peruvian Forensic Anthropology Team / el Equipo Peruano de Antropología Forense (EPAF) which is a non-profit organization that promotes the right to truth, justice, and guarantees of non-repetition in cases of forced disappearance and extrajudicial execution.

In mid-February 2012, José Pablo sends this photo from Bungoma, Kenya where the EPAF is starting a new project in the area and in partnership with Western Kenya Human Rights Watch to assist in recording gross Human Rights violations in the area of Mount Elgon.