- General Finance inquiries
- Accounts Receivable
- Budget
- Accounts Payable
- Research
- Payroll
- Treasury
- Deposit and student payments
- Tax information slips
General Finance inquiries
Finance and Treasury
Email: treasury@unbc.ca
- Travel advances and other employee receivables
- Conference service receivables
- Bank deposits
- General treasury questions
Financial Services
Email: finance@unbc.ca
Phone: 250-960-5625
- Revolving receivables (on-campus associations, clubs and societies)
- External sales receivables (laboratory, bookstore)
- Student tax receipts (T2202)
- Student refund requests
- General accounts receivable questions
Accounts Receivable
Email: accountsreceivable@unbc.ca
Natasha Jordaan, Student Financial Officer
Phone: 250-960-6390
Email: Natasha.Jordaan@unbc.ca
- Student accounts, billing and collection (late fees, holds, refunds)
- Third party accounts, billing and collection (sponsorships)
- All aspects of general operating budgets
- Carry forward and specific purpose funds
- Budget transfers
- Operating statements and detailed transaction listing
Email: budgets@unbc.ca
Accounts Payable
Email: accountspayable@unbc.ca
- Policy and procedures related to accounts payable, travel claims, cheque requisitions
- PD fund balance queries
- Procurement card expenses
Melody Buzas, Accounts Payable Officer (A to G)
Phone: 250-960-5529
Email: melody.buzas@unbc.ca
Sue Skusek, Accounts Payable Officer (H to O)
Phone: 250-960-5503
Email: sue.skusek@unbc.ca
Lurana Corbett, Accounts Payable Officer (P to Z)
Phone: 250-960-5579
Email: lurana.corbett@unbc.ca
Email: payroll@unbc.ca
Phone: 250-960-5663
- General payroll inquiries
- Leave and banked time balances
- Record of employment inquiries
- TD1/TD1BC tax form
- Pay statements
- Request for copies of T4 and T4A slips
- Confirmation of earnings for immigration applications
Employment Processing
Email: employmentprocessing@unbc.ca
Phone: 250-960-5663
- Submit Student employment contracts for processing
- Submit Employee Information Forms for personal information updates
- Formal name changes
- Updates to address, contact information, emergency contacts
- Updates to banking information
Information regarding Employee Recruitment, Hiring Students, Employee Benefits, Pay Forms, and other employment related information can be found at Human Resources.
Email: deposit-notification@unbc.ca
- Emailing backup documentation regarding direct deposits (EFT/ACH)
William Chew, Manager of Treasury Services
Phone: 250-960-5516
Email: william.chew@unbc.ca
- Responsible for all treasury functions and personnel
- Cash management
- Investment portfolios
- Endowment reporting
- Debt financing and management
- Internal auditing and controls
- Business planning
Deposit and student payments
Email: cashier@unbc.ca
Cashier Office regular hours of operation 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.
- Located on Student Services Street by the Office of the Registrar
- All student payments
- Student ID Card
- Deposits to Web Print and Book Plan
- Deposits from revenue-generating department
Tax information slips
T2202 - Tuition, Education and Textbook Amounts Certificates (for Students)
For questions regarding tuition, please email accountsreceivable@unbc.ca.
For questions regarding number of months, please call 250-960-6341 or email Kimberly Read at kimberly.read@unbc.ca.
T4 and T4A Tax Slips for Students, Employees and Contractors
T4A (Statement of Pension, Retirement, Annuity and Other Income) and T4 (Statement of Remuneration) tax slips are mailed out to students, employees, and contractors no later than the last day of February.
In the event you have not received your mailed copy within one week following the last day of February, please email payroll@unbc.ca with your current contact information and request for a copy to be emailed to you.
For questions about your T4A please email finance@unbc.ca.
For questions about your T4 please email payroll@unbc.ca.