Please contact us with any questions regarding the Department of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences at UNBC. We look forward to hearing from you.
Department Chair
PhD, MA (Queen's University at Kingston), BA Geography (University of Calgary)
I am a social geographer with two broad areas of research interest that connect in many ways and often overlap: Guatemala/Violence/Development/Justice and Migration/Transnationalism/Refugee Studies.
PhD, MSc (University of Manitoba)
Research and Expertise
PhD (Saskatchewan), MSc (IHE, Delft), BSc (UET, Lahore), PEng
Research and Expertise
BSc, MSc (Atmospheric Science - York University), PhD (Atmospheric Science - McGill University)
Research and Expertise
PhD, MA (Queen's University at Kingston, 1993), BA (University of British Columbia)
Research and Expertise
BAA (Ryerson University), MA, PhD (Queen's University at Kingston, 1998)
PhD (UNBC), BSc (Western Washington University)
Research and Expertise
PhD, Natural Resources and Environmental Studies (UNBC)
Research and Expertise
PhD, BSc (honours) (University of British Columbia), FCMOS
BSc, MSc, and PhD : Isfahan University, Iran; Postdoc: Western University (UWO), Canada
Research and Expertise
PhD (Duke University, 2007), MScPl (University of Toronto), BA (McGill University)
BA, MA (University of Colorado), PhD (University of British Columbia, 2002)
Research and Expertise
PhD (University of Exeter, UK), MSc (UBC), BSc (Coventry Polytechnic, UK)
Research and Expertise
PhD University of Guelph; MA University of Guelph; BA University of Northern British Columbia
Research and Expertise
PhD (McGill University, Biology, 1989), MSc (University of British Columbia, Physical Geography), BSc (Queen's University in Kingston, Physical Geography)
PhD (University of British Columbia - 2010), MSc (University of Calgary - 2004), BSc (McMaster University - 2001)
Research and Expertise
PhD, BSc Honours (University of St. Andrews), MA (Queen's University at Kingston)
Research and Expertise
Professors Emeriti/Emeritae
PhD, MA (University of California - Berkeley), BA (Dartmouth College)
Research and Expertise
PhD (University of Alberta), BSc Honours (University of British Columbia), Diploma of Technology (British Columbia of Technology)
Research and Expertise
Adjunct Faculty
Postdoctorate (University of Calgary), PhD (University of Regina), MSc (Hyderabad Central University, India)
Nikhil P. Aravindakshan received his PhD in Computational Chemistry while working with Prof. Allan East at the University of Regina. His research is on molecular dynamics simulations using HPC clusters, specifically studies on the transport properties of Ionic Liquids (IL) and molten salts.
BSc University of Northern British Columbia; MSc. Oregon State University; PhD University of BC
Research Hydrologist, BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, Leader of Coastal Hydrology & Climate Change Research Lab, and adjunct professor in Geography at Vancouver Island University.
PhD Environmental Biology and Toxicology (University of Guelph), MSc Zoology (University of Innsbruck)
PhD, MSc - Geography (SFU), BSc, Surveying (Makerere University)
BA, Political Science (UBC); MES, Environmental Studies (York University); PhD, Economic Geography (Simon Fraser University); MCIP (Member of the Canadian Institute of Planners) and RPP (Registered Professional Planner)
Professor and Graduate Program Chair in the School of Resource and Environmental Management at Simon Fraser University.
MSc (HEC and Oxford University), BA (University of British Columbia)
PhD, MS (University of Washington)
Pete is a geoscientist with interests across Earth, environmental, and planetary science. His work includes geochemical, isotopic, and geochronologic approaches to understanding subsurface fluid-rock systems, thermochronology, tectonics, geomorphology, and petrology.
BSc (Hons.) Memorial University of Newfoundland, MSc & PhD Natural Resources and Environmental Studies, UNBC
Team Lead, Research and Stewardship, Omineca Region at BC Forests, Lands, and Natural Resource Operation
BA, Development and Latin American Studies (University of Guelph, 1983); LLB (University of Ottawa - Faculty of Law, 1988)
Mr. Russell has over 25 years of experience working on development, human rights, environmental justice and disaster relief issues in Latin America - mainly Central America and southern Mexico. Mr. Russell lived for over 10 years in various countries in Central America and in southern Mexico.
PhD Biology (Queen's University)
Dr. Selbie is a researcher with Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s (DFO) Science Branch, and Head of the Lakes Research Program at the Cultus Lake Salmon Research Laboratory (CLSRL) at Cultus Lake, B.C.
PhD, MSc - Atmospheric Physics (University of Toronto), MSc Hons, Physics (University of Manitoba)
Dr. Stewart is a Professor in the Department of Environment and Geography at the University of Manitoba (Winnipeg, MB).
Research Scientists
Postdoc (University of Zurich, Switzerland); PhD, MS, BS (Federal University of Viçosa, Brazil)
I am a physical geographer and soil scientist, with research projects focusing on the quantification of soil-landscape relationships in natural and anthropogenic environments, examining how they respond to climate and land-use changes.
Senior Lab Instructors
BSc (University of British Columbia), BEd (University of Western Ontario, 1995)
Chris is responsible for instruction in second year Earth Science labs in the Geography, Forestry and Environmental Science programs at UNBC: GEOG 210 (Introduction to Earth Science), FSTY 205 (Forest Soils), and ENVS 201 (Atmospheric Science).
PhD (UBC), MA (University of Tehran), BEngg (Sharif University of Technology)
I am a social geographer. I studied the suburbanization of immigration. I am interested in studying urban and social geography with an emphasis on migration processes and their impacts on the urban and ethnic communities and neighbourhood structures of Canadian cities. I worked with Dr.
PhD, MES (York University)
Dr. Devin Holterman leads a collaborative research project with the Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative (Y2Y) and the University of Northern British Columbia that looks to develop an evidence-based social science research program for Y2Y.
MNRES University of Northern British Columbia
Laura is the Research Manager for Rural and Small Town Studies at UNBC.
PhD (Queen's University), MA (UNBC), BA Honours (University of Guelph)
Hello! It's nice to meet you! My name is Alex, and I am a human geographer by training and passion with a background in international development studies. I am a proud alumni of UNBC (MA, International Studies, 2011) and completed my doctorate at Queen's University (Geography, 2018).
Postdoctoral Researchers
PhD, BSc (University of Edinburgh)
Rosie Bisset is a Postdoctoral Researcher within the Hakai Cryosphere Node working on quantifying the importance of coastal snow in freshwater flux in British Columbia, with Dr. Bill Floyd and Dr. Brian Menounos.
PhD Chemistry and Material Science (Lakehead University, Canada), MSc, BSc Applied Chemistry
PhD NRES (UNBC - 2020), MTech, Remote Sensing and GIS (Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, India - 2013)
PhD Natural Resources and Environmental Studies (UNBC), BSc, MSc Chemistry
PhD Chemical Engineering (Amirkabir University of Technology - Tehran Polytechnic - Tehran, Iran), MSc, BSc Chemical Engineering
PhD Material Chemistry (CeNS, affiliated to Manipal Academy of Higher Education, India), BSc, MSc Chemistry