Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology

The Centre for Teaching, Learning, and Technology (CTLT) is committed to supporting the teaching and learning community at UNBC. We are dedicated to helping faculty, staff, and graduate students in achieving their goal of delivering the best possible learning experience for students.

We also encourage the development of teaching excellence. The Centre offers a range of programs and services designed to enhance the practice and scholarship of teaching and learning. Areas in which supports are provided include: instructional technology, instructional design consultation, workshops and conferences, advocacy for teaching excellence, and professional development and mentoring.

Welcome New Instructors!

Are you a new instructor at UNBC? Browse our resources for new instructors.

Guides and Documentation

Instructor Guide: Teaching and Learning With Technology at UNBC

TA Manual: A Guide to Get Started

Student Guide: Learning With Technology at UNBC

CTLT Recorded Workshops

UNBC Faculty Orientation Handbook

We're Hiring!

We're looking for two graduate teaching assistant facilitators. Check out the job postings below! The due date to apply is June 30th, 2024. Please email CTLT@unbc.ca with any questions about the position.