Spring/Summer Course Electives


Spring/Summer Course - Register Now!

BIOL 301-3: Systematic Botany Field Course (August 21 - 30)

  • Learn about the taxonomy of vascular plants and how to identify the common plants found in the Northwest.

BIOL 350-3: Ethnobotany (July 12 - August 11 (Weekends))

  • This course will review traditional plant use worldwide and by First Nations in British Columbia. Special reference will be made to First Nations in and round Terrace. The course will be organized around food, medicinal, technological and spiritual uses of plants.
    Topics covered will include traditional ecological knowledge (TEK), research protocols, basic phytochemistry and contemporary issues in ethnobotany.
    No prerequisites required but knowledge of basic plant identification anatomy helpful.

BIOL498-3: Bryology (April 29 - May 9)

  • This is an immersive course in the identification, taxonomy, and ecology of mosses and liverworts of western Canada, with an emphasis on the identification and ecology of species of northern and coastal British Columbia. Students will gain practical and theoretical foundations in bryophyte anatomy, morphology, reproduction, physiology, ecology, and conservation through daily lectures, labs, and field trips.
  • Pre-requisites: First-year Biology.

FNST 304-3: Indigenous Environmental Philosophy (June 19 - 25)

  • A seminar exploring Indigenous philosophy, knowledge, contemporary issues and perspectives through a combination of lecture, discussion, and field trips

SOCW 439-3: Social Work/Law and the Justice System

  • This course examines various areas of the Canadian legal system. It also examines the practice of Social Work in court settings. It provides a basic understanding of the rights and interests of children, rules of evidence, and the role of various interveners.

SOCW 498-3: Special Topics: Homelessness, Mental Health and Addictions Among Children and Youth

Students new to UNBC must first apply for admission, which should be done well in advance of course registration. Please submit a completed application form, including all documentation and fees, to the Northwest Terrace campus office or apply online at: http://www.unbc.ca/apply/undergraduate


UNBC Terrace Campus

4837 Keith Avenue, Terrace, BC V8G 1K7
Phone: 250-615-5578; 1-800-697-7388
Fax: 250-615-5478
Email: nw-info@unbc.ca

UNBC Prince Rupert Campus

353 Fifth Street, Prince Rupert, BC V8J 3L6
Phone: 250-624-2862; 1-888-554-6554
Fax: 250-624-9703

Contact Information