Inspiring Women Among Us - Events


Inspiring Women Among Us is an annual celebration leading up to the December 6th Day of Remembrance and Action Against Violence Against Women. This event offers a wide variety of public events that celebrate women’s contributions to Canadian and global societies and discuss ways society can support our female colleagues, friends and family members.

Our 2016 inaugural theme, 'Women, Media & Masks', speaks to particular and persistent gender-related challenges related to imagery and ideas originating in and / or popularised via the media around gender. It also recognizes that men and women often employ masks of sorts to better conform to gender-related expectations and norms, or to otherwise survive in society.

But I’m Not a Woman…

This event is for you too! While we will be highlighting women and gender, activities will be open to all. We want to explore the ways that all of us, men, women, and others, can support women (and other minorities) in academia, arts, media, science, environmental fields, and society.

Also, you will certainly find the arts in some of our events, and we welcome proposals from the arts for events and content that creatively address our theme!

This event is open to all community members!

Take a look at the events available here at the UNBC Terrace Campus for the month!