UNBC Computing and Telecom Policies

UNBC Computing and Telecom Policies are not intended to restrict your computing privileges, instead they are  to provide you with a safe computing environment to do your work.  Please select the link below to view UNBC’s Computing and Telecom Policies.

UNBC's Computing and Telecommunications Policies

UNBC is also a member of BCNET.  Below is an extract from the BCNET website regarding the responsible use of computers.

BCNET Guidelines for Appropriate and Responsible Use

Version 2.0. Established September 22, 1994.
Reviewed October 2001.

Each individual user connected to BCNET through your organization must be responsible for its use. Individual and organizational use of BCNET must not interfere with the work of other users of the network, disrupt the host systems attached to or accessible by the network, nor disrupt network services. Information transfer that is likely to result in the loss of someone else's files, or cause any damage to or undue interference with another's work or system, is prohibited.

Your organization must ensure that you can identify each individual who uses your access data link into BCNET. You must be able to associate each IP address on your network (or other secondary networks) that uses BCNET with the user of that address. If a computer, terminal or dial port on your site is publicly accessible, then every person who uses that computer, terminal or dial port must be authenticated before they are given access to BCNET, and you must maintain a record of authenticated users.

Any communication that violates existing laws is not allowed.

Access to networks connected to BCNET must follow the acceptable use policies of those networks.

This Policy applies to each individual who uses your link to BCNET. It is the responsibility of each client organization to ensure that all users of the link are aware of these policies and adhere to them. If an organization is providing gateway service, it is the responsibility of the organization to ensure that all gateway clients are aware of these policies and adhere to them.

You can find more information on the BCNET website.