ITS Maintenance Digest - Week of August 20th to August 26th

ITS Maintenance Notice:

Tuesday, August 20th || Time: 5:00pm to 6:00pm (TONIGHT)
Horizon Virtual Desktop (VDI) Server Patching
•    Due to a security vulnerability, patching on our Horizon virtual servers will begin at 5pm tonight. Users that are connected to the virtual desktop during that time will not have any impact to service but new logins during patching will not work until patching is complete.

Wednesday, August 21st || Time: 6:30am to 7:00am
Network Changes for the Regional Campus’
•    All regional campus and research buildings outside of Prince George will experience network downtime for approximately 30 minutes while we make changes to the network. 

Thursday, August 22nd || Time: 10:00pm – 4:00am

Linux Host Maintenance

  • All Linux hosts are impacted